Friday, May 31, 2019
Side Effects, Directed by Steven Soderbergh Essay -- Movie Film Analys
The film, Side Effects, is quite twisted and unnerving as it begins with the impression of the female lead, Emily Taylor, walking finished pools of blood and leaving her blood stained footprints on the wood floors. Later we learn this is the murder scene. The film flashed back 3 months time. Emily was visiting her husband, Martin, who was convicted of insider trading. He was finishing his 4-year sentence and was soon to be released. Emily and her mother-in-law arrived to bring Martin home. subsequently his release, he explains to his wife a social worker stopped by to speak with him and had given him a pamphlet on reintegrating into the community. As Martin attempted to crash back into his normal life he learned his wife had her own struggles. Martin learned Emily was severely depressed with suicidal ideation. Emily was leaving for work one morning time and was driving her vehicle through the parking structure of their apartment home. She drove her vehicle in to a cement wall at high speeds. She was rushed to the fatality room where it was determined this was an intentional act. She was assigned a psychiatrist, Dr. Banks. Dr. Banks learned she had dealt with depression in the past and wrote her a prescription for an anti-depressant. She pled her case to not be admitted into the psych-ward, generally because her husband was just released from prison and does not have employment. Dr. Banks accommodates her request after she promised to take the medication as prescribed and meet with him at his office for counseling. Martin precept the suffering Emily was experiencing and told her he had a friend he met inside who was very intelligent and wanted to start a business when he was released. He re-assured Emily h... confound with Ablixa. He however, fought back in a different way than that of Emily and Dr. Siebert. Although he had to do the harder right thing, he chose to remain a conformist and refused to attain his goal s through illegitimate means. As in most movies there is a happy ending and in this case the conformist wins. In the real world however, the bulk of society falls into conformity and very few move out of their subculture or move up in social class. Works CitedCole, G., & Smith, C. (2011). Criminal justness in America. Belmont, CA, United States of America Wadsworth Cengage Learnig.Jezak, J. a. (n.d.). David Emile Durkheim Exploration of Durkheims Suicide . Retrieved March 22, 2014, from http//, L. (2011). Criminology The Core. Belmont, CA, United States of America Wadsowrth Cengage Learning.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Midway Plaisance Essay example -- Architecture History
Midway PlaisanceThe Midway first came to being during the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago as a bit of an accident. The worlds fair scheduled for 1892 was pushed towards a higher standard than most others. The successes of the 1876 Philadelphia and 1889 Paris fairs drove the Chicago planners to produce something even greater. As stated by Richard Wilson, the Paris fair especi ally pullulate home for the Americans. The sheer magnificence of the buildings and exhibits made the United States look very backward indeed. While France and the rest of the Old World countries held their own with remarkable advances in art, architecture, and science, the U.S. appeared to be falling behind. Americas relatively inferior showings didnt help to shake this harsh image. The U.S. was desperate for a new self-image. It needed an opportunity to establish itself as the powerfulness it felt it deserved to be. The Columbian Exposition gave the U.S. this chance. equitable organizers planned the fa ir on a grand scale. They gravitated towards a solemn Neo-Classical style, as exemplified in the all-white courtyard of Honor, a style which represented order, tradition, purity, and grandeur -- all the things that America was trying to display.However, this new classical character impressed upon the fairs major buildings produced a conflict with a group of people that had already laid claim to the fair the members of the entertainment industry. Even before the formal announcement of the Fair in 1890, requests for space from all sorts of vendors, musical and circus troupes, and restaurateurs. Amusement vendors had been set up at previous expositions, usually right outside the fairgrounds. There, they not only attracted more fairgoers than the regular exhibits... ...ighted crowds at Montreal in 1967. This endurance of the idea of the Midway is a testament to its charisma, its power, and the high place amusement holds in the eye of society.BibliographyRichard Wilson, Challenge and R esponse Americans and the Architecture of the 1889 Exhibition, in Annette Blaugrund (ed.) Paris 1889. American Artists at the Universal Exposition, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1989, 93-110.Findling, John E. Historical Dictionary of Worlds Fairs and Expositions 1851-1988. New York Greenwood Press, 1990.Meehan, Patrick. The Big Wheel. Chicagos Great Ferris Wheel of 1893.Rydell, Robert W. Fair America Worlds Fairs in the United States. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000.Keefe, John Webster. Libbey Glass A Tradition of 150 Years 1918-1968. Toledo, Ohio Toledo Museum of Art, 1968.
The Metamorphosis as a Depiction of Franz Kafkas Life Essay -- Kafka
The metabolism as a Depiction of Franz Kafkas LifeThe Metamorphosis is said to be one of Franz Kafkas best works of literature. It shows the difficulties of living in a modern society and the struggle for acceptance of others when in a cartridge holder of need. In this novel Kafka directly reflects upon many of the negative aspects of his in-person life, both mentally and physically. The relationship between Gregor and his father is in many ways equivalent to Franz and his father Herrman. The Metamorphosis also shows resemblance to some of Kafkas diary entries that depict him imagining his own extinction by dozens of elaborated methods. This paper will verbal expression into the text to show how this is a story about the authors personal life portrayed through his dream-like fantasies.Franz Kafka grew up in a financially secure Jewish family in Prague. He spoke German and was neither a Czech nor German due to his Jewish upbringing. Born in 1883, he was the eldest boor and the o nly son. He lived his life in the shadow of his dominating father under constant pressure to take over the family business. Kafkas father viewed Franz as a failure and disapproved of his writing because he wanted Franz to become a business man like him. This obsession with wanting Franz to become a businessman take Herrman to beat his son. Franz Kafka died on June 3, 1924 from tuberculosis of the larynx.From the moment we meet Gregor Samsas father we are shown how short tempered he is. He came on, hissing like a ferocious man when Gregor first exited his room in his new state as a bug. Gregors father chased after him with a cane and newspaper devising a hissing noise that annoyed Gregor. Just this passage here shows how alike Mr. Samsa and Herrman Kafka are. Kafka was... ...appened so often during the times he was trying to write, it happened unknowingly.When comparing Franz Kafka and his personal life to The Metamorphosis it is obvious in more ways than one that he was writing a twisted story of his life. The emotional and physical annoyance Gregor goes through are similar to what Kafka went through in real life. They were both abused and neglected by their fathers when they were disappointed with them. Kafka uses Gregor transforming into a bug as a way of exaggerating himself, trying to express his feelings and point of view. When writing, Kafka felt as if he was trapped in his room which he referred to as the noise headquarters of the flatbed. Gregor was an exaggeration of this because he could not leave the house to escape the noises and abuse.Works CitedKafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. Mattituck Vanguard Press, 1946.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Class of 2012, tonight is the last time we forget share together for many years. After tonight, we will begin a new chapter in our lives. This chapter will lead us away from each other, but the memories weve shared will continue to stay. The years behind us have been full of challenges and rewards these experiences will be there to guide us as we branch out into the world. Lets take a moment to think back to the people and times that influence us the last four years. Every teacher deserves a thank you for helping us to reach our goal of graduation. The love and support of our families has been greatly appreciated. only when truly, the main ingredient of our high school experience has been our peers. We all faced hardships, but we were able to overcome them, together. And now, here we are once again, together. Homecoming, tolo, football games, ginger assemblies and spirit weeks ignited us as young freshman. When we became sophomores, the blaring of the fire alarm became our wake-up call. Only after wiping the drool off our desks and hurrying out to the sketch did we realize that this wa...
Acupuncture Essay -- essays research papers
stylostixis A Chinese medical technique acupuncture is a medicine originating inthe orient over four-thousand years ago. employ primarily for pain relief, butalso in curing disease and general health improvement. oriental Medicine views(illness and pain) as an imbalance of ones energy. With Acupuncture theenergetic balance can be restored, thus helping the body to rid itself ofdisease. Often illnesses can be diagnosed and treated at an early stage.Acupuncture consists of inserting hair thin harrys through specific spots inthe skin called acupuncture points. These specific spots of entry are overneuroreceptors in underlying muscles. These needles are inserted along meridianpoints throughout the body on that point are hundreds of these meridians, all servingdifferent purposes. " endorse proves that needling simulates peripheral nervesin the muscles which send messages to the brain to release endorphins (morphine-like peptides in the brain). These natu ral chemicals then block the sending ofpainful messages from the brain." (Acupuncture-Microsoft Network Nov. 30, 1996).Acupuncture needles are typically inserted 1/10 to 4/10 on an inch deep.Although some procedures require needles to be inserted as deep as 10 inches.Acupuncture points are then stimulated by various forms of needle stimulation.Acupuncture is an incredibly effective form of medicine This essay will ease up details explaining some of the uses of acupuncture. Acupuncture the insertion of needles into the body through specificspots, over neurorecepters. These needles are then stimulated by eitherrotation, heat, or by a weak electrical current. Acupuncture is a medicaltechnique used primarily as a relief of pain, but is known to mend disease, aswell as improve general health. "The theory suggest that acupuncture blocks thetransmission of pain impulses from parts of the body to the central nervoussystem." (Comptons synergistic encyclo pedia). Three main sites have been foundfor endorphin acupuncture analgesia. This type of acupuncture blocks thesending of pain messages from the brain. The pituitary gland being one thisgland, when stimulated by needles, releases endorphin. The second site are theperiaquaductal gray neurons in the mid brain which release endorphins whenstimulated. The third, el... ...les must be stimulated. The stimulationis what causes acupuncture to be so effective. There are several ways inwhich stimulation is reached One being, a gentle twirling motion. The doctor, by use of his/her fingers gently rotates the needles. Second,there is heat stimulation, the physician heats the needle with a cigarlooking tool designed specifically for acupuncture. Third, electricalstimulation the physician agitates the needles with a low powered 2hz electrical current. The physician connects the needles to a low outputelectrical stimulation machine. arousal is key to the success ofacupuncture. Acupuncture, a med ical technique originating in the Orient,more than four-thousand years ago. Used primarily for reduction of pain, butto cure some disease, as well as improvement of general health. The mostspectacular reason for acupunctures success is Stimulation of needles by theacupuncturist. Stimulation of the meridians the rivers of energy throughoutour bodies. These rivers get stopped up from time to time, acupuncture is thekey to clearing the stop... Acupuncture a method of further the body topromote natural healing and to improve bodily functions.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Acupuncture Essay -- essays research papers
acupuncture A Chinese medical technique acupuncture is a medicine originating inthe orient over four-thousand years ago. Used primarily for pain relief, butalso in curing disease and general health improvement. Oriental medicine views(illness and pain) as an imbalance of ones energy. With Acupuncture theenergetic balance can be restored, thus helping the embody to rid itself ofdisease. Often illnesses can be diagnosed and inured at an early stage.Acupuncture consists of inserting hair thin needles through specific spots inthe skin called acupuncture points. These specific spots of insertion ar overneuroreceptors in underlying muscles. These needles atomic number 18 inserted along meridianpoints throughout the body There atomic number 18 hundreds of these meridians, all servingdifferent purposes. "Evidence proves that needling simulates off-base nervesin the muscles which send messages to the brain to release endorphins (morphine-like peptides in t he brain). These natural chemicals then block the sending ofpainful messages from the brain." (Acupuncture-Microsoft Network Nov. 30, 1996).Acupuncture needles are typically inserted 1/10 to 4/10 on an inch deep.Although some procedures require needles to be inserted as deep as 10 inches.Acupuncture points are then stimulated by various forms of needle stimulation.Acupuncture is an incredibly effective form of medicine This essay willpresent elaborate explaining some of the uses of acupuncture. Acupuncture the insertion of needles into the body through specificspots, over neurorecepters. These needles are then stimulated by eitherrotation, heat, or by a weak electrical current. Acupuncture is a medicaltechnique used primarily as a relief of pain, but is known to cure disease, aswell as improve general health. "The theory suggest that acupuncture blocks thetransmission of pain impulses from parts of the body to the central nervoussystem." (Compton s interactive encyclopedia). triad main sites have been foundfor endorphin acupuncture analgesia. This type of acupuncture blocks thesending of pain messages from the brain. The pituitary gland being one thisgland, when stimulated by needles, releases endorphin. The molybdenum site are theperiaquaductal gray neurons in the mid brain which release endorphins whenstimulated. The third, el... ...les must be stimulated. The stimulationis what causes acupuncture to be so effective. There are several ways inwhich stimulation is reached One being, a gentle twirling motion. Thephysician, by use of his/her fingers gently rotates the needles. Second,there is heat stimulation, the physician heats the needle with a cigarlooking tool designed specifically for acupuncture. Third, electricalstimulation the physician agitates the needles with a low powered 2hz electrical current. The physician connects the needles to a low outputelectrical stimulation machine. Stimulation is key to the success o facupuncture. Acupuncture, a medical technique originating in the Orient,more than four-thousand years ago. Used primarily for reduction of pain, butto cure some disease, as well as improvement of general health. The mostspectacular reason for acupunctures success is Stimulation of needles by theacupuncturist. Stimulation of the meridians the rivers of energy throughoutour bodies. These rivers get stopped up from time to time, acupuncture is thekey to clearing the stop... Acupuncture a method of encouraging the body topromote natural healing and to improve bodily functions.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Implementation of K-12 Essay
Why add two years?This is the question everybody is asking.We need to add two years to our basic study. Those who can afford apply up to fourteen years of prepareing before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best job after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. President Benigno S. Aquino These are the wrangling that really made a wide impact to me. Since, at first I was one of the many individual who also questioned this change of curriculum. But as I have watched the AVP that question was answered by these words of our president. I could say K+12 Curriculum is a good program of the department of teaching since it is presented that it get out decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum.It forget also give better quality education. It was also mentioned in the AVP the benefits of this curriculum such as The Enhanced K+12 Basic pedagogics Program will be instrumental in achieving the nations vision of high school graduates. The benefits of the K+12 proposals far outweigh the additive costs that will be incurred by both government and families. An enhanced curriculum will decongest academic workload. Graduates will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market. Graduates will be prepared for higher education. Graduates could now be recognized abroad. The economy will experience accelerated growth in the long run. The Philippine education system will be at par with international standards. A better educated society provides a sound foundation for long-term socio-economic development. larn comes when you better understand the things that are taught to you. As an educator I could relate to this since I have seen that children can interact more if they know and they understand the words or language youre using. Thus making the curriculum decongested can really help the pupils to better understand their lesson and acquire more learning.I am a grade I teacher in Masulog Elementary School, and as part of the K+12 Curriculum grade I teacher purpose the MTBMLE (Mother Tongue Based Multi-lingual Education) as learning area and used as medium of instruction in this way children can easily recognized things, limited their thoughts and for me understand their lesson so maximum learning is acquired. It also helps in bridging or transition Filipino and English as language of instruction introduced in roll 3.For me I would say that I agree with the viewpoint expressed in the AVP, K+12 Curriculum can really alleviate the standard of education. It will also give every learner an opportunity to receive quality education based on an enhanced and decongested curriculum that is internationally recognized and comparable.though there are issues and concerns with this new curriculum like competencies demanded of teachers for effective implementation of K+12 especially in grades 11-12 (pre-service and In-service Educ ation, preparedness of DepEd K+12 BEP implementers (teachers, school heads, supervisors), transition period in the MTBMLE progression program, MT proficiency of teachers in the MTBMLE program, preparation of learning materials, literary and informational texts in K+12 and more. But, if education could be the only best option to secure the future of our youth, all of us are here to support this option.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist Essay
Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist Keisha Marselis SLS 1105-65 Strategies for Success border 20, 2010 Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist I love working with multitude and on computers. So I looked for a career where I can do both. Deciding to become a Medical Billing Specialist was the perfect choice for me. When I first entered into the health check field, I became a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). I love doing my job because I was able to succor others in need. As time passed I knew I cute to do more but I retributive didnt know what that was.Then one day I went to the doctors office with a patient for a routine checkup and I started talking to one of the medical assistants. She asked me if I liked my job. I told her that I love what I did but I wanted something more. I also mentioned that I had went to school for basic computer training before I went to school for CNA. Then she said that I should think somewhat going to school for Medical Billing and Coding. When I started looking into the field, I was astonished. I would be able to do the two things I love, working with people and on computers.I discover that a person interested in medical billing and coding should cast excellent knowledge of the field, is willing to help those in need and have flexibility to obtain additional training for job advancement. Medical coding is a key step in the medical billing process. Every time a patient receives professional health care in a physicians office, hospital outpatient facility or ambulatory surgical center(ASC), the provider must code and create a claim to be paid, whether by a commercial payer, the patient or CMS(The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services) (American honorary society of Professional Coders (AAPC), 2010).A medical coders main job is to look over patients records and other information to code and fall apart a patients diagnosis or procedure. Then they must assign and input the correct diagnostic code to establish the amount of specie a provider receives from the insurer. Coders are also responsible for making sure codes meet all federal, legal and insurance regulations. Jeffress (2003-2010) specifies that the healthcare industry depends on dexterous medical billing and coding specialists to accurately record and register patient information, verify their insurance policies, and keep track of patient accounts.When a patient comes in to the doctors office, you are the first and last person they come in contact with. So it is important that you get all of the patients information to properly start off their file. You also have to make sure the patient has their proper health insurance and understand what their responsibilities are for co-payment, if needed. They would have to fill out different documentation about them and their family medical history. It is also important to help them understand how to fill out these forms so that everything can be properly documented in their file.When the patient sees the doctor, he/she will have a somewhat understanding of why the patient is visiting. While the patient is sightedness a doctor, the doctor may tell them a few things that they might not understand. So the patient might come and ask you questions pertaining to what the doctor just told them. By being trained in the field you learn about medical terminology. This is when you breakdown what was told to them. You would be able to explain to them the medical diagnosis or procedure the doctor has told them about. Help them understand what the doctor wants them to do.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
National Buy Nothing Day
profane Nothing Day was created to protest consumerism. Though some think this is a marvelous idea of giving the finger to big companies, galore(postnominal) others dont see the point in a day that bequeath not be effective because of the greed of Americans for luxurious harvest-festivals and the counteraction of the companies that will cause consumers to buy anyway. Americans are known for desiring items that are not necessities. This is shown on shadowy Friday.Almost all Americans wait outside major store, such as Wal-Mart,Target, K-Mart, for hours hardly to have a new laptop or flat screen tv for thirty percent the normal price. Another example are products at the cashier. When most people go into a store, they have their mind preset on a product or products they are going to buy. But, usually their product list ends up unnecessarily enlarging because they see some candy they want, or even their child wants. Who wants to say no to children? Those type of products are strateg ically move there for the consumption of Americans that do not need.A Buy Nothing Day would not be so effective since Americans are willing to spend their bullion on just about anything they want. Buy Nothing Day would also be ineffective because of the counteraction that the companies would take to help themselves economically. If companies know about Buy Nothing Day and are against it, they are going to try to get consumers to buy their goods. The law of demand ,relating to Economics, shows that as demand lowers, prices will as well. So companies will lower their prices to get much consumers buy their products.Since Americans are greedy, theyd want the products they have at a lower price and the companies are not losing because they were originally not going to receive any profit anyway if all consumers participated in Buy Nothing Day. Buy Nothing Day is a nice thought. The attempt at unifying consumers against companies is inspiring. But, realistically, it wouldnt happen since Americans love buying things and companies are going to lower prices. With those to combination, there might actually be more sales that occur on Buy Nothing. Buy Nothing Day will be truly ineffective if it ends up like a Black Friday.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 23
I couldnt stay in my bedroom after(prenominal) that, non after attaining two holy mans disclose unrivaled physic on the wholey and one spiritually. I had to get out of there, out of the apartment. None of the others seemed to notice or c be that I fled. With Nyx captured, there were bigger issues to equivalent about in the universe than one distraught succubus.Id been driving in the car for about ten minutes onwards I realized where I was going. Dantes. Vincents intercourse about the evil charm suddenly seemed unimportant. What I needed right now was to talk to someone about what Id seen. Seth wouldnt entirely understand, and besides, matters tranquil werent fixed between us. Discussing serious things with the vampires was hard for me sometimes. I was hush up mad at Hugh. I wouldnt chew out Erik since he was tranquilize recovering. Dante was all I had left over(p).He turn overed the door to his store after I banged on it for about five minutes. The messy hair and wr inkled clothing installed me that Id woken him again. He looked annoyed, as usual, when I walked inside.Didnt it work? I told you He took a closer look at me. What happened?I staggered to one of the chairs and collapsed into it, paws resting on the side of my forehead. I could open been a mirror of Yasmine. I opened my mouth to speak, to explain what had happened hardly no words came out. He knelt beside me.Succubus. Youre freaking me out here. What happened?I stared blankly at him for several sestingds in front last focusing on his c at a timerned face. She fell.Huh? Nyx?NoYasmine.Who?My eyes went unfocused again as I remembered that black flame. The horrible sound. Blinking, I tried to waggle it off and turn my anxiety to Dante. Shes an holy person. Was an angel. Maybe she still is. I dont know. Fuck, I dont know. I dont know what she is.He reached out and gripped my arms, shaking me slightly to get my attention again. Look, youre losing me. I dont know how an angel fall ing ties into Nyx. If it ties into Nyx. Youve gotta calm down and start from the beginning. Take a turbid breath. I did. Now another. I did. Now talk.I did.It was hard at first, and I had a few false starts. Finally, however, I was able to backbone up and explain the cast of angels to Dante. The story slowly spilled from my lips, and I told him all about what had happened Nyxs capture, Joels death, and Yasmines fall.He kept his hands on my arms when I finished, and I later realized it was to steady me. I was shaking. Several low-keyed minutes passed as we sat there. He exhaled at last and shook his head.Fuck, succubus. Thats a lot for one night. Even for you. He touched my chin with his hand and tilted my face up. But you know angels fall. You know they still fall. All the time.But Ive never seen it, I whispered. In all this timeIve never know anyone who was an angel and then became a demon. All the demons I knowwell, theyve ever so been demons. I never saw them when they were a ngels.First time for everything.I met his eyes. But I correspondingd her.I expected some comment similar, Bad things happen to right-hand(a) people. Instead, he moreover shook his head. Im sorry.I swallowed back tears Id already cried enough tonight and leaned forward, resting my head against his chest, just as I had the other night. He ran a hand down my hair and rocked me.What hope is there? I asked. If tied(p) angels fall, what hope is there for the rest of us? in that respect isnt, he produce. Were on our own. And we have to induct the choices we call up are best for our own survival. If your angel friend had been cogitateing standardized that, she wouldnt have fall.But thats the thingangels dont think about themselves, right? Theyre selfless.Maybe, he said doubtfully. She let things get that far with the nephilimthat wasnt authentically selfless. Now theyre both fucked, and weve got another member in the club.What club?The club. Our club. The one for people who ma ke one mistake and are punished forever because of it. He paused. Its a pretty big club.I gently pulled out of the embrace. What did you do?Hmm?Your one mistake. Vincent show the charmhe said it was horrible. Black magic. He said you had to have done something actually problematical to make it.Dantes eyes were sad as he regarded me. You really want to know?I nodded.No. You dont. accountability now, for the first time, youre talking to me like maybe Im not the biggest asshole on earth. I tell you the truthand youll lose all value for me.I wont. Ill respect you more.He rolled his eyes. People always say noble things in hypothetical situations. Id never cheat on my spouse. Id return the million dollars that I found on the street. Its bulls chance on.Its not, I argued. I respect the truth.But you wont like it. Why do you think I didnt kiss you that day outside Eriks? I jape about wanting to sleep with you hell, I do want to sleep with you notwithstanding if wed done it, youd ha ve felt how little energy I really have.I buy the low energy thing, but I still want to know the story behind it.His eyes narrowed in frustration. Look, succubus. I dont even think I could tell the story if I valued to. Its too hard.His comment about kissing suddenly inspired me. Can you show me?What?I moved toward him. Kiss me. I can hardly get any energy from you, but if you open yourself to the memory, I should be able to olfactory perception pieces of it.I hoped that was true, at least. While my whaprs thoughts and feelings came through to me during sex, it wasnt exactly a system we could control. I couldnt summon up specific things. Usually what I felt was whatever the guy was thinking about just then. More often than not, it was amazement or peradventure a guilty conscience over the sexual lover he was cheating on.But maybemaybe if Dante was specifically thinking of whatever he had done, it would come through. It was worth a shot. I leaned closer to him. He didnt move, s o I went in all the way and kissed him.Initially, it was just a kiss all physical. Gradually, I started to get a bit of his life force but it was just like hed said. His soul was too dark. The life energy that flowed into me was barely a trickle. It was only a few drops, like a leaking faucet. Thenonce Id assessed the energy, I felt something else. I felt his soul felt why it was so black, so devoid of the shining life most humans had. That total darkness began pouring into me, that sickening and oozing eviland there, behind it, was despair and anger and hopelessness and frustration. It was nauseating. Blackness and blood. I wanted to pull away, but I had to see what he was hiding.The memory came through to me in disjointed images, but I was able to piece them together and form a narrative. I saw a sister. Older than him by ten years. Shed taken care of him throughout his childhood both in a motherly way and as an instructor. She was a psychical too. Shed taught him how to harn ess his power, to tap the magic of the world that was unseen to most humans. She had been powerful, but he was even stronger. It hadnt been enough, though. Hed wanted more than to simply control his power hed wanted to enhance it. But as Hugh and Vincent had told me, few humans were born with the magnitude of power that hed craved.So, hed taken it. Ripped it out.From her.I saw his face when he killed her, felt his infliction as the dagger touched her throat. She was half-mother and half-sister to him, but he stole her life anyway. And with that act, his power had grown by magnitudes both because hed gained hers and because of the spell involved. The blood of the innocent always brings power, and the black magic intertwined in this death brought it in spades. It had left him feeling like a god.And wishing he were dead.Hed damned himself. He still love the power, still loved wielding itbut after killing his sister, hed hated himself. Hed withdrawn from the world, trying to bury his memories in drugs and alcohol, only occasionally using his powers for small, nickel-and-dime con jobs.I broke the kiss, not wanting to see or feel anymore. If we went further, Id probably see what he had to do to make the charm. It wouldnt be as bad as what hed done to his sister, but I was through with all this. Wide-eyed, I scooted away from him on the floor.She was Eriks lover, I said softly. Id had a brief glimpse of Tanya that was her expose and Erik together. She was the woman in the picture. Thats why he hates you.Dante nodded. The three of uswe were going to do nifty things. We were all so fucking talented, you know? He rest a hand on his head, eyes full of grief. Unsurprisingly, Erik chose to end our friendship after this. He wanted to kill mehe should have. He really should have. But, well. Hes not that kind of guy.No, I agreed, voice cold. Hes not. I stood up and backed away from Dante, who was still sitting on the floor.He looked up and realized what I was doing. Th e down(p) face turned angry. Leaving so soon?Yes.Well. Thanks for stopping by. And thanks for proving me right.About?He threw his hands in the air. This. I told you youd hate me.I dont I stopped. I did hate him. I couldnt help it, not after seeing how much he and his sister had loved each other. non after realizing how much this must have hurt Erik. Dantewhat you didWas a mistake. One I would take back if I could. One mistake to damn me forever. skilful like your angel friend. Just like you.No, I said. Its not the analogous. Yasmine fell because of love.She fell because of selfishness, he argued. But I wont challenge that particular. Tell me about you. Did you fall because of love?I didnt say anything. Id fallen because of lust. Id cheated on my husband because I was hurt and lonely and bored andwell, because I could.Dante regarded me sharply. You see? I get it. You fucked up too. I understand you youre not going to find too many people who do. I bet your boyfriend doesnt.He accepts me.But does he understand? baffle you ever told him in painstaking detail what you did?No, but it doesnt matter.Dante stood up and approached me. It does matter Being with him is a joke. It cant work. Im not saying you have some great amative future with me either, but at the very least, you should stick with people who know where youve come from.Right. Hanging out with you means Id just drink and hate life.Your point?Seth makes me hope for better things. Makes me want to be better.But theres no point exclaimed Dante. Why dont you get that? Things cant change for you. Even your own fucking palms say so.NoNyx saidNyx said the dream could come true. The man in the dream was her scamming you. You would have fallen for it, too, if your angel hadnt fallen first.I clenched my teeth. Her dreams are true. Seth and I are going to get married? Run off into the sunset? Have babies? Succubus Wake up Dante was shouting, his face inches from mine. It cant happen. Not for you. Ma ybe it can for him but not with you. Every day you spend with him just ensures his life is going to be as empty and meaningless as yours.Thats not true I screamed. Were happy. Were going to be happy together, and I dont care if you dont believe me.Im never going to see or speak to you again. I know why Erik hates you, and I hate you too. I kicked the door open. You deserve to burn in Hell.I left him, but I still couldnt make myself go home. With nothing else to do, I simply found a twenty-four-hour diner and drank coffee, pointedly ignoring anyone who talked to me. I watched the sun come up over the Olympic Mountains and finally went to work when the bookstore opened. I helped out with the last-minute Christmas deal, doing mindless and mechanical tasks. We were closing early that day, and everyone was finishing up their shopping. It was hectic and crazy, but it gave my zombie-like body something to do.When we closed, it was most time for me to take Maddie to the airport. She need ed a few more Christmas purchases herself and asked if Id swing downtown with her. After witnessing the death of an angel, shopping seemed like the most trivial thing in the world. StillI had nothing else to do, so I agreed. I probably would have agreed to anything.Downtown Seattle was decked out in its Christmas finery, with lights and wreaths strung on the shopping nexus that centered around Fourth Avenue. At four in the afternoon, it was already dark outside. Rain pounded down on the pavement, the kind of torrential downpour most people believed we had year-round. Really, it only rained in the winter, and that was usually a drizzly type. This heavy stuff was a rare event, as though perhaps the heavens mourned Joels passing.Through a window, I watched the rain and pedestrians fighting with umbrellas while Maddie searched in Banana Republic for something for her sister. Id half-heartedly looked for a present for Seth, but my motive eventually faded, and anyway, there was no way t o compete with the ring. I still wore it around my neck. It felt heavy today.Along with my grief over what had happened to Yasmine, I still kept thinking about Nyx. In particular, I kept thinking about what shed said to me. The man in the dream. Who was the man in the dream? The drumhead consumed me, as futile as it was. I kept repeating Dantes words, trying to tell myself it didnt matter that the whole thing had been a hoax. But that dark project still haunted my minds eye, and some part of me believed that if I k saucily his identity, then maybe it could all be real.Georgina?I turned from the rainy street and saw Vincent standing(a) in front of me. Beyond him, a preoccupied Maddie flipped through a rack of cardigans. Id thought he looked grief-stricken in my apartment, but that was nothing compared to what I saw now. His face was pinched and pale. His eyes were glassy and red, but whether from crying or lack of sleep, I couldnt say. Probably both.He handed me my apartment key. Just wanted to give this back.I took it. You didnt need to find me for that. You could have left it.Yeah. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground. I guess I justwanted to talk to someone.Have you, um, seen Yasmine?He shook his head. Nope. I dont know what happened to her. I mean, I knowshes off somewhere in Hell. Maybe they have orientation or something. I dont know. Whatever it is, it must be awful. And its my fault.Its not, I said automatically. It was her choice.She did it for me, though.It doesnt matter why. The point is that she did it willingly. It isnt your regularize to question the decisions she makes.As the words left my mouth, I had a total holy shit moment. I was saying exactly what everyone had been coitus me about Seth. I was saying exactly what Seth himself had been telling me for so long.I guess. I dont know. He sighed. Its so fucking stupid too. All these years, weve been so cautious to stay at arms length, so she wouldnt fall. We were so good holding back from what we wanted. And then, we get the analogous results from a stupid moment of confusion and passion. It just happened so fast, you know? I acted to protect her, she acted to protect me He trailed off and looked as though he might weep. I kind of felt like that myself. Its a pretty big club, Dante had said.Butif shes already fallenwell. Maybe you guys can be together now.Vincent shook his head and gave me a small smile that do him look sadder than when he hadnt been smiling. I dont know. I dont even know if shell meet with me now. Something tells me she wont want me to see her like that.And how do you feel?I love her unconditionallyor, well, at leastI loved Yasmine the angel unconditionally. Shes not that woman anymore. I mean, she may hate whats happenedshe may be miserable. But eventually, shell settle in. They always do. And then shell be one of them. She wont be the same Yasmine, and I dont know if I can love her or if she can love me. Part of what made her such a great person was that she resisted that temptationand I think she felt the same about me.I forgot Vincent for a moment as my attention turned inward, toward my own situation. Again, it was like Seth and me, I realized. The continual tension in our arrangement was a pain, yet the morals it was based on were part of what attracted us. He might have said he was okay with us not having sex, but I think some part of him loved me because of my continual refusal to give in to that. Likewise, I loved his stead-fastness not only in abstaining from me but from other lovers as well. It was part of what had made the fight so shocking. I didnt expect him to be weak.And yeteven if we respect each other for our principles, was it worth it? And had that really been weakness on his part? Vincent and Yasmine had been together much longer than Seth and I had, torturing themselves in the same way. In the end, it had done them no good. Things had unfolded as they had.Star-crossed love isnt as glamorous as it seems, Vincent said, perhaps guessing my thoughts.I never believed it was.Sometimes I thinkwell, maybe it would have been better if she and I had never been together at all. These years have been wonderfulbut well, shed still be the woman I loved if Id never gotten involved.I didnt know about that. Surely, brief moments of joy were worth the pain that might follow? Wasnt that why I was with Seth, despite discriminating hed eventually die? Maybe Seth had been right about taking chances. Life was short. Maybe you needed to seize what good you could. It was all so confusing, and all of a sudden, I wanted to talk to Seth about all of this about living life and taking risks, about what made us love one another, and about what made our affinity worth fighting for. I didnt want to make the mistakes Yasmine and Vincent had. Seth and I needed to sit down with open minds and make this thing with us work.What are you going to do now? I asked Vincent. I didnt think now was th e best time to argue relationship philosophy with him.He gestured vaguely behind him. Leave town. Even being masked, I know theyre looking for me. I need to hide out somewhere.I nodded. I was sad to see him go, but I knew what the other angels and demons would do if they found him. So, I wished him well and shared a brief hug before he departed. As I watched him leave, I again pondered the cautionary tale he represented. Growing anxious, I hoped this airport trip would go quickly so that I could call Seth.Wandering to the other side of the store, I found Maddie paying for her purchases.Who was that guy? she asked me, handing over her credit card. He was cute. Bedraggledbut cute.Hes had a long day, I told her. And a long eternity to go. Hes just a friend.Is he single?I thought about it. Yeah, I guess he is.While I waited for her, I looked over at a nearby mirror. Maddie was still going strong with her new cute and stylish self. Shed gotten a haircut too, the layering of which made h er face appear delicate and lovely. The slacks and sweater, though simple, looked sleek and elegant on her.By contrast, I looked kind of like the ugly stepsister. Oh, I still had the nice figure and pretty face born of shape-shifting, but Id thrown on jeans and an old coat, not really concerned with high fashion today. I also hadnt bothered to shape-shift my hair. Id simply brushed it into a high ponytail. Most telling of all was my face. I wore as much grief as Vincent. There was a hollowness to my eyes that startled me. It counteracted all the other beauty of my features. Glancing back at Maddie, I realized she was the hot one today.When we finally hit the road to the airport, traffic was as horrible as Id expected. I-5 was at a standstill, and with my luck lately, there was probably an accident up in front to compound the rush hour and holiday mess. Sighing, I settled back into my seat.Okay, I told Maddie, desperately needing distraction. Whats the report? What adventurous thing s have you done? Im pretty sure youve more than met your quota.Well, she began. Theres the new clothes, of course. Youve seen a lot of them, and I own more lingerie than I ever have in my life. I was always kind of afraid of it, but theres so much cute stuff out there, you know?Yup. I sure do.I got a bunch of high heels too. Im still kind of information to walk in them, but Im doing okay, I think. She groaned and looked like the snarky feminist writer she was. I feel likewell, like a girl.I smiled and looked at the cars ahead of me. All the variables were in place for an accident, so I had to be careful. In this kind of stop and go, people tended to cease paying attention and fall into a lull. That was how cars got rear-ended. It was also an oddity that Seattle drivers had trouble driving in the rain.You seemed fine in the heels to me. What else have you done? Other than shopping?I signed up for a judo class.You did not.I so did, she said, laughing. It was the craziest class I coul d think of. Besides, I can finally get back at Doug after all those years he used to pull my hair.Well-deserved, I said. I moved over to the farthest lane, with the futile hope that it might move a fraction faster. Anything else?Mmmwell. I started looking for my own place.Thats a good idea.And checking out flights to some places Ive always wanted to see.Another good idea.And I slept with Seth.I nearly drove into the median.What? I said, arrhythmical the wheel back to my own lane. Maddie had her hands stretched out protectively. Did you say Seth?YeahSeth Mortensen?She sounded incredulous. Of course. Who else?It was one of those things that was so ludicrous, I couldnt even fully react. It was like saying, Hey, did you notice the earth just exploded? It wasnt real because all the rest of the data in your known world said it was impossible. My brain wasnt going to bother processing it yet. Wasted cells.HowI mean, what I shook my head. Explain.I could see by her face that she was dying to. This was what had been bursting in her in my office yesterday.Well, two nights ago, I ran back to the bookstore after closing because Id left something. I saw Seth out in the parking lot. Hed been out somewhere and was coming back to get his car.Somewhere was my apartment. That had been the night of the fight.Anyway, she continued. He looked kind of down, and I remembered what youd said about taking risks. Plus, he still owed me the date, right? So, I asked him out for a drink, and he said sure.I tried not to drive into the median again. He didnt drink, did he?No, not alcohol. But we stayed out really late, and we had a great time. You cant even imagine how great he is to talk to. He comes across as shy, but once you get to know him She sighed happily. He thinks like I do toowants to do all sorts of things, go placesAnyway, the place finally closed, and he asked if I wanted to go hang out at his place for a while.I couldnt even look at her now. Sethasked you back to his place?We ll, if we went back to mine, wed have to hang out with Doug, and we just wanted to talk more. And we didexcept, well, after a whilewe stopped talking. And one thing kind of led to another. She exhaled, like she still couldnt believe it herself. I never do things like that. Not so soon. But, well, hes a nice guy, you know? And I wanted to do something adventurousNo, no, no. This really wasnt happening. This was a dream. This was Nyx getting back at me for not helping her. She was sending me a nightmare, one I hoped Id wake up from soon.I didnt realize how long Id been quiet until Maddie hesitantly asked, Georgina? You still with me? You dont thinkyou dont think I was too easy, do you? There was fear in her voice, fear of my disappointment and disapproval.Huh? Nonoof course not. I took a deep breath. So, um, it was good?Oh, yeah She gave a nervous giggle. I cant believe Im even talking about this. But, yeah, Seths a great lover. Hes really attentive.Yeah, I imagine he would be.God, I cant believe this happened.That made two of us. Whats going to happen now? Was ita fling? After all, what else could it be? Seth was with me, right? I had no reason to be upset. Id given him the go-ahead to get sex elsewhere. In factI had told him to that night. If he wanted to sleep with her, that was fine. But obviously, it meant nothing. It had to be a fling, right?Right?I dont know, she admitted. I hope not. I really like himand it was so great. I feel like we really connectedlike the auction hadnt just been because he felt sorry for me. He said he would call and wed go out again sometime. Once more, she turned cautious and unsure. You dont thinkyou dont think hes the kind of guy whod just say something like that and not mean it, do you? She was the Maddie Id known before, the one who looked up to me and wanted my guidance. The one who didnt trust men.I stared ahead and decided maybe the heavens were weeping for me now. After several moments, I finally said, No, Maddie. If he s ays he wants to go out, he means it. Thats the kind of guy he is.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hector Beverages
Marks, Manna, Jamming Kola Kathy, Oakum, Googolplex aka Pain, Mil aka Amman and Cleargonr, was launched last year with the theme of home made Indian healthy drinks/ Hector Beverages Pet. Ltd. , is a disruptive entrant to the industry with the aim to change this. Priced at RSI 30 for a m all(prenominal) pack, thanks to its innovative incase and low overheads, the drink is trying to create a space for itself with the customers of different category. As of now, Distribution channel for selling newsprintboard is direct sales in MAT securities industry and Distributor model in GET market. So, there is no particular distribution channel for Samos. The broad objective of the Short landmark project Hector Beverages Pet. Ltd. Is to suggest different segments of retail stores where paper boats straw man can be created to increase its sales.The major objectives of this project were 1) As a reinvigorated beverage company known for wide product portfolio Hector gave the task of partitionin g of retail channels in the Oneida expanse of NCR and developing a go-to market strategy for increasing penetration in this area. 2) Developing database of different stand-al angiotensin-converting enzyme modern trade stores , traditional read stores and other outlets in Oneida 3) Analyses of various areas of Oneida and its stores 4) During the subscriber line of the project covered 80+ outlets in Oneida and recommended 30 outlets along with appropriate the sales promotions strategy. For this we started with the process of segmentation of the stores on the background of various parameters.The first one being the tar cut group , and we defined the target group based in the interviews we had with the retailers and customers in the Oneida region. Target group Based on our interviews with the retailers in Oneida region we cached a basic sketch of the typical customers of paper boat in this region. Age 17 College goers and first Jobbers , population who like to try new beverages and flavors. These people are more health conscious than soda guzzling consumers. One reason is the fact that they are out everyday and mostly consume at to the lowest degree one beverage outside the house, either with a meal or barely hanging out with friends over conversation. Hence, these people also pick up for variety as they are tired of having the kindred flavors overtime.The most preferred flavors that unanimously all retailers aid sold the most were Am Rasa , Am hurt and Clearer. Segmentation on the basis of presence of target Audience in the vicinity. 1) Perfect Fit Places where the entire customer base fits into the target group of paper boat. These places have a lot of potential to help increase sales tremendously. College canteens ASS College , Jayvee college , ABBES college Amity Office cafeterias -arcs , park , Barclay These stores are visited daily by the same customers and the frequency with which these customers buy beverages is very high, almost one everyday . Hence , these are he best places to reach to our target group.Not only should these places be tapped and paper boats presence should be made paper boat can be placed and since the customers visit everyday they are likely to try new flavors and get drug-addicted to them ultimately. Sales in these places will ultimately results into popularizing the flavors through word of mouth and customers will start eventually buying paper boar non Just for themselves but to take back home , for family and friends. 2) Almost there Places where at least 70 percent of the customer base fits into the target group. These are places not inside the institutes and offices but around them. The retail store that most of the college shops from outside , the street snack store that every one goes to once in a while.This would include at least 40 street vendors outside offices park , Barclay in areas like sec 62, 63,58 . 3) Will get there Places where at least 50% of the customer base fits into the targe t group. These include both retail stores and eateries . Eateries and coffee shops like those in Oneida , Apparatus and sec 25 which offer a wide variety of food and and the customers usually like it to be accompanied with a average. Matthias shops which serve light snacks like Samos and other Indian variants of it , also go under in the same category. So do the bakeries . All these places , along with the food do sell some beverages and their sales are huge. Paper boat should welfare highly from being present in these places.Another category here are the retails stores in the areas which are frequented by our target group like the ones in B block market of sector 62 , TOT mall , Sector 25 market. Also kiosks on the metro stations cafe buddy drive under the same category. 4) Get in the house This refers to the Modern trade stores. This is not for our target group specifically , this is the route to get into customers home and get a status of being on the shoppers list. Big bazaa r in sec 18 , Spencer and easy day would all fall in this category. Segmentation on the basis of sales This will help us Judge the potential a particular place/segment has to increase the sales of paperboard. To get the Judgment right we have categorized stores into three stores.To understand the potential that the store might have paperboard we have marked the stores on the basis if the sales of coco cola since that is one beverage each one of Hess stores stocked and no other beverage was uniformly present in all the stores. Total coco cola sales will help us understand the amount of sales that can be generated for a beverage in these stores and paper boor needs presence in these stores to take a share of those sales . On these basis we have distributed the stores in to three categories 1) tall 2) Medium 3) Low The names are self explanatory and depend entirely on the sales volume of coca cola from these stores. All stores are marked on the high medium low scales in the excel , s o please refer to the excel to get a better collar of the individual store status.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mobile Commerce in Developing Countries Essay
unsettled Commerce or M-commerce as it is to a greater extent comm entirely referred to is simply the ability to do teleph ace line electronically without any physical limitations or barriers. This is more popular with the use of smart mobilises today and other industrious devices. After researching several journals and articles, it is obvious at this point that in that location is no measuring stick definition of the term Mobile Commerce. Many authors and writers have coined phrases and come up with definitions that atomic number 18 similar to each other the general idea is similar only when the words in the different definitions vary somewhat.However, one acceptable definition is used and this comes from Liang and Wei (2004), M-Commerce generally refers to the use of wireless devices (particularly industrious phones) to conduct electronic line transactions, such as product ordering, fund transfers, and stock trading (p. 7). M-Commerce was formed as a result of the Inter net and diligent computing coming together to create a new business bea. The benefits of Mobile Commerce argon al almost endless and a few will be discussed later in the analysis.However, the focus of this paper is the emergence of this trend in developing countries with emphasis on Africa- Nigeria to be precise. The population of Nigeria is over 150 million boasting one of the largest markets in Africa. Akpan-Obong (2009) states that Nigeria is a major actor in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector in Africa, Nigeria has so far save significant achievements in ICT utilization, and has recorded higher growth rates in the sagacity and diffusion levels of ICT (p. 208).With Mobile Commerce rapidly taking over the business world, it is important to gain an fountainableness of how the so called major actors are fairing on the playing field hence the emphasis on Nigeria in the topic of Mobile Commerce. Article Summaries Liang (2004) and Akpan-Obong (2009) in t heir pick articles introduce the concept of Mobile Commerce and present generally accepted definitions of the term. While Liang focuses on the homogeneously successes and failures of M-Commerce applications, Akpan-Obong specifically suggests electricity and infrastructural inadequacies as the reasons for the underutilization of M-Commerce in Nigeria.Greengard (2008) goes on to discuss the general impact of mobile phones on the world as a whole. He talks about the development opportunities that the presence of mobile phone technologies has created with the transformation of commerce, banking and healthcare. In his article, he states that the most profound changes and biggest dividends are being realized in developing countries. Formulation of a series of hypotheses from a research model developed by Peter, Philip and Victor (2005) identifies some of the factors affecting the use of mobile ICT in the least developed countries.Ayo and Agboola (2006) delve into the uses of M-commerce in Nigeria and how this technology is decent widespread in the country. Solutions are also offered to deal with the issues of underutilization of the technology. Generally, these articles discuss the current practices and also anticipated future implementations of M-Commerce. The Internet, which is a form of electronic commerce has been in existence for years but it has been difficult to cover as much of the market as it could especially in some parts of the world where comforts like a computer are not only unaffordable but considered a luxury.With the emergence of mobile phones, an important fact to consider is that M-Commerce is gaining relevance because the penetration of mobile phones is much larger than the penetration of Internet access (Duffey, 1998) in most countries. Greengard (2008), highlights a few of the relevant uses of this technology Although mobile phones have already transformed the more affluent nations, they are ringing up some of the most profound changes- and biggest dividends- in developing countries. Today, people are using mobile phones to track crop prices in Kenya and manage micropayments in the Philippines.They are tapping into these devices to handle healthcare information in Nicaragua and oversee bakery orders in Nigeria (p. 17). Gone are the days when Africa as a whole was considered backward and inconsequential when it came to matters of technological advancements, infrastructure and amenities. Like most developing countries, Nigeria in particular has not barely implemented M-Commerce on a full scale. However, the trend is beginning to emerge with the appearance of mobile phones in every nook and cranny of the country. Now, unlike before, devices like mobile phones are no agelong seen as sacred or only for the rich and famous in society.Rotberg was spot on when he stated, it is the eldest time in the history of technology that social class and geography are largely irrelevant (as cited in Greengard, 2008, p. 18). Almost any one who is of talking age owns a cell phone in Nigeria. From the executives at the renowned industrious firms, the students attending public schools who cant even afford to buy textbooks and even the farmers in the villages and unpolished field of studys the fishermen selling fish at the local anaesthetic market and even the housewives who grow vegetables and cultivate livestock in their backyards.Owning a mobile phone is no longer considered a luxury and does not cost an arm and a leg like it used to only a few years ago. This singular reason that the phones are now easily affordable and available for purchase by every Tom, Dick and Harry is what has fostered the emergence of Mobile Commerce in Africa, Nigeria to be precise. With the mobile phones gaining more popularity with the people in Nigeria, so also has the technological benefits been exploited. The wireless hold devices have orchestrated the use of e-banking attend tos in Nigeria. jibe to Ayo et al. (2007), virtually a ll the 25 banks that survived the recent capitalization exercise engage the use of ICT as a platform for effective and efficient delivery of banking services. Consequently, electronic cards, Internet banking and mobile banking services are gradually being introduced. However, M-Banking activities are limited to mobile finance information, download or ringing tones and music as well as telematic services, particularly, vehicle tracking, theft protection and emergency services (p. 13).As more and more advancements are pursued, banking will become not only flexible but also more convenient. Customers now have the luxury of checking their bank accounts on their mobile device without having to take a trip to the local branch of their banks nearest to them. They also enjoy the comfort of immediacy, information at their fingertips. The banking sector is one of the first and more important aspects of Mobile Commerce that has emerged in Nigeria. However, there is also much hype about the lit tle things that are being derived from this technological advancement.Ayo et al. (2007) states emphatically the success of M-Commerce has partly been due to developments in mobile communication techniques. Cellular networks were originally designed for voice-only communication. To support M-Commerce transactions, which are data based, there has been an evolution of these networks from analogue to digital and from circuit switched to packet switched networks. Today a number of these mobile communication technologies are available (p. 11).Some of the strengths of Mobile Commerce in Nigeria are attributed to the GSM operators and the services that they render to their customers. The three major operators are MTN, Celtel and Globacom. Their services include Voicemail, WAP services, SMS, customer services, call forwarding, international dialing, Celtel mobile office, faxmail, roaming, customer care and Broadband Internet Access that offers Broadband Internet to residential users and to name a few. These services allow customers to derive utmost satisfaction from the emerging trends in the advancement of Mobile Commerce.In his article, Greengard (2008) talked about one relative incidence in particular. A Nigerian baker started taking orders for cakes via SMS and quickly expanded his presence beyond his immediate neighborhood. He experienced a 30% plus in sales (p. 17). Many small-scale businesses are now enjoying the benefits of this technological advancement and they are using its features to broaden the scope of their businesses and gain competitive good over their competitors in the industry.If not for anything else, the customer relationship that exists between the business owners and their customers has been strengthened by the ability of the owners in providing their services directly to the consumers via these mobile handheld devices. The emergence of Mobile Commerce in Nigeria has brought with it both advantages and disadvantages. As with the mobile bank ing, of course it is fast, convenient and nowadays very affordable, there is also the threat of tribute and the complex systems and expertise needed to run some of the programs.There is a gap between those who are more technologically savvy and the layman who grows crops on his farm. This gap in knowledge does not allow the features on some of these hand held devices to be fully utilized. The phones being so affordable that even the most canonic of the devices could probably browse the Internet assuming all the features are purchased, makes it likely that the phones are being underutilized to the most of its capabilities. Most senior management and more well to do individuals are more concerned about the security of their transactions over this mobile devices.Research by Agboola (2006), revealed 38. 2% of the respondents considered security as a major threat, while 4. 3% and 5. 4% considered complication of services and cost respectively as other factors (p. 3). Apparently, the co st of mobile telephone service is higher in Nigeria than other African countries so it only reasonable that the cost of this service would be a major threat to Mobile banking as a whole. Another threat is the unavailability of basic infrastructure to support this system such as electricity, among others.The lack of electricity as a basic infrastructure in Nigeria has a ripple effect because it affects every device that makes up the system. Without electricity, individuals cannot charge their mobile phones when the battery is depleted. This in itself, defeats the purpose of Mobile Commerce, as there is no fulfillment in owning a phone when you cannot use it when you want to. The systems in the banks that perform the updates to customer accounts and provide information to the customers would also omit down as a result of lack of electricity.Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), which are one of the first occurrences of Mobile Banking in Nigeria, would have to be closed in(p) down as wel l. With all the features of the mobile phones these days, it is only a matter of time before the developing countries of Africa begin to enjoy all of the benefits that countries like the States are enjoying now. Although, seeing as how the advancement in America has not come to a halt, it is more than likely that developing countries would always play breeze up.However, countries grow at different paces so it is only wise to perform according to the capabilities of the systems set up in the country until it can withstand the scrutiny of time. Synthesis Mobile Commerce as a concept has a lot of prospect for patronage dependent on the available services. First of all, there were no mobile phones at all in a country like Nigeria and then mobile phones were introduced and the craze cannot be contained. Now, the monumental growth of mobile devices all over the world, with over one-third of the world population having access to it has given prominence to M-Commerce.With technological ad vancements emerging everyday in different areas and industries, Mobile Commerce can only get better as more provisions are made to handle the loop holes and reduce the threat that are presently facing the market. There would most likely come a time when Mobile Commerce is not only the fastest way of doing business but the most common, the most trusted and also the safest. It would soon become a way of life. According to Peter et al (2005), the country had experienced a phenomenal growth from a teledensity of 0. 49 in 2000 to 25. 22 in 2007.This trend has brought about a monumental development in the major sectors of the delivery such as banking, telecoms and commerce in general (p. 140). Nigeria, being the fastest growing telecoms nation in Africa and the third in the world, it is almost inconceivable to hypothesize how much is yet to come by way of technology and other infrastructure. Today, African countries may be struggling to hold their weight in the area of technological adv ancement in comparison with more advanced countries like the United States. Tomorrow, the tables might just be turned. One can only front and see, behold the future
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
8 Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Projects Essay
There are four types of IT Based vagabonds which apprise be consumptiond in order to engage students in a high plane of thinking. The resource-based project relates to finding information to make students go beyond the textbook material. Simple creations make students create their software material to support the regard for relevant and effective materials. Guided hypermedia Projects produce self-made multimedia projects athletic supporterer students to create and post webpages on a given topic. These types of IT based projects could help students develop their skills and knowledge not just in learning not just in learning from textbooks and from the computer as well. Using IT-Based projects could help me a lot in my studies. I was able to develop my skills, and I know that I could improve my academic performance by the help of this subject.With the use of IT-Based projects and having enough knowledge with the use of computer, it was shown that students improved in the sense that the students would learn more than what is expected. They dont just rely on the academic materials, but by using IT-Based Projects. The students would not just develop higher level of thinking but they could also develop their skills that could help them to be productive. Being a future educator, having this higher thinking skill through IT-Based project is advantageous for the reason that it could help the students in learning easily. The teacher wouldnt find it thorny also to engage them in a higher plane of thinking. I can say that I could make use of what Ive learned from this topic. Because I know me and my future students could benefit from it.Web based project management software is the collection of curriculums, processes and information that is used to manage various phases of a project and that is accessible on the Internet. Project management entails processes such as scheduling, calculating a critical path, building timelines, creating task lists, managing resourc es, controlling documents and providing audit trails. Each of these processes can be controlled and sometimes automated through project management software solutions.Web based solutions are coded in a browser supported address such as HTML, ASP or PHP so they can be accessed by clients through a web browser. One main software transformation is installed and maintained on a server so that more than one client can access this version. One disadvantage to using Web-based software is that the program is usually slower to respond than a typical desktop or client application Web-based applications are limited by the speed of ones Internet connection, while client applications operate as quickly as the clients processor speed. (If you can think of a better course to phrase this, by all means go ahead.) In addition, most information in Web-based applications is not accessible when a user is offline.
Monday, May 20, 2019
My Hero In History Essay
A hoagy is a existence who does what he can. (Romaine Rolland) The true definition of hero is a man of distinguished valour. Bravery, courage, boldness, daring, resolute, and aptitude in war be a heros characteristics. However, a hero is understood to be different to every sensation. The legacy of heroes is the computer memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example. (Benjamin Disraeli) Some of them are born, others are made. some(prenominal) are allay living while many others have long been gone. Important dates and events are commonly marked red in the calendar to remind us of their birth or death anniversary. During the festivity of these events, program speakers take turns admiring to high heavens whatever good they had done for the county. True heroism consists in being superior to the distresss of life, in whatever shape they may challenge us to combat (Napoleon) When one thinks of heroes, names such as Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, Muhammad Bin Qas im, and Alexander often come to mind. These lot had done a lot of favours, courage, helps, and more of all things for the people who needed them.The definition of heroism changes with the context of time. Heroes of the past are not necessarily heroes of present time and vice versa. But there are some people who have made their mark on history. Among those legends Muhammad Ali Jinnah is my hero. Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three. (Stanley Wolpert) Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi on 25 December 1876. His father was a merchant. He received too soon education at Sindh-Madrasa-tul-Islam in Karachi. After that, he passed the matriculation at the age of 16 from Bombay. He moved to England after marriage, at the age of 17. In 1896 he returned to India as barrister when his fathers chore was ruined. He started practice in Karachi but soon shifted to Bombay.The heroic soul does not sell its referee and its nobleness. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) He became a member of Indian National Congress. Soon he left the Congress and join Muslim League when he realized that Congress is not sincere to Muslims. He fought for the rights of Muslims. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom. (Bob Dylan) Quaid-e-Azam was a dynamic leader. He devoted himself fully to the affairs of the MuslimLeague. He worked for the separate state for the Muslims. He continued his struggle to achieve this object.Pakistan came into being on 14th wonderful 1947. Self-trust is the essence of Heroism. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Quaid-e-Azam became the first Governor General of Pakistan. He worked day and night for his county. He fell ill and died on 11th September 1948. He was a Muslim and hero. A hero is some who has wedded his or her life to something bigger than o neself. (Joseph Campbell) Quaid-e-Azam will always live in the hearts of the Pakistanis as The dumbfound of the Nation. Heroism is the divine relation which, in all times, unties a great man to other men. His words, Unity, trust and Discipline will always inspire the people in their struggle for nation building. A man of courage is also full of faith. (Cicero)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Reproductive Health Bill Essay
The Reproductive Health commit was first proposed in 1998 by Edcel Lagman of Albay. The said bill aims to improve and promote all methods of family planning, both rude(a) and modern, to help our countrys dilemma regarding the continued growth of our population. The RH Bill gives information to family planning. It entrust improve maternal, infant and child health and nutrition. It promotes breast feeding. Then abortion will remain ineligible and it is punishable by law but post-abortion complications will be given medical aid. It also contains measure of reproductive tract infections like HIV/AIDS, STD, etc give-and-take of breast and reproductive tract cancers, and prevention and treatment of infertility.It has elimination of violence against women and also education of sexuality and reproductive health. It includes male involvement and participation in the reproductive health and lastly education of reproductive health for the youth. For several reasons this bill has been an is sue in our country for years. It has its pros and cons. whatever say it is advantageous because it will really help in the countrys problem, the never ending growth of population that eventually leads to the countrys unchanging state of poverty.Some say it is a no no because of its very ill effects, immorality and sinful act. While, others have no idea what it is nor have any concern about what is happening around them which is really unfortunate. So the researchers prospect of conducting a research concerning the thoughts and opinions of the youth about this bill. The youths perceptions are important, so are their cognizance. Their awareness is a primary concern because they are the future generation. They should be aware of the things going around their purlieu in order for them to help and participate in developing the countrys economy into a better one. Their views and points may help the society after all.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Alan Keith as Effective Leader
Alan Keith is a chief accounting officer and controller for the Turner Distribution Company. He was recruited as a quit of the acquisition team, but his inborn professional qualities and skills made him in force(p) leader. When he was asked to take the role of wickedness president of business operations in Hanna-Barbera studies, he agreed and moved to Los-Angeles to meet his new destiny. His designate was ch solelyenging as he had to re-invent completely Hanna-Barbera studios. He realized that that was the sphere where leadership worked at it best. And he appeared to be true.Speaking ab go forth Keiths leadership qualities, it is necessary to underline that alship canal knows what is important for him, for his working team, he realizes his strengths and weaknesses, driving forces and pitch falls. Moreover, Alan seems to be aware of when it is necessary to draw a line. He is an effective leader possessing clear set and objectives as well as self-confidence, savvy, persistence an d knowledge. It is necessary to admit his ain qualities such as passion, empathy strength of a character, humor, wisdom reliability, sensitivity, creativity at work, common sense, etceteraAlan Keith states that superstar should know himself, because it helps to overcome challenges, ethic dilemmas and problems, to communicate with people having different thoughts and ideas, to make relevant and complex decisions, to define the sources of satisfaction and relaxation if necessary.Alan Keith believes that true leader should to be clear about his own values, priorities, and preferences and not let someone else, or society, define them for him, because by clearly identifying those values, priorities, and preferences he can articulate what he wants. iodine more quality is willing to commit gist besides being self-aware and shrewd Alan require not to be afraid of responsibilities and duties. For him, being a leader requires sacrificing your free time, to put others before yourself, et c.Alan Keith became successful because he confronted traditional husbandry with fresh radical ideas. Moreover, focus on creativity contributed importantly his personal and career success. Alan realized that studio was ruled by manufacturing philosophy. Keith said It was about doing it cheaply, getting it out the door and getting it on the air as quickly as possible. (p.9) Studios motivation was driven by volume, not quality and creativity.The factor, as usual, had highly centralized structure meaning that all decisions about creativity were made totally by several people. That system damped creativity and Alan Keith managed to variety show the situation and to make studio one of the leading in the world. He realized that something had to be through with(p) quickly otherwise, all efforts would be in vain.Alan Keith managed to re-shape corporate batch and perception of team work at the studio. He emphasized the role of creativity for team members replacing and replaced manufactur ing mentality. Cartoon animation is art and all then manufacturing. Keith stressed It was a huge struggle to get to the place where we could actually admit that all we really care about right now is bringing the right kind of creativity into this transcription. (p.9) As a result, studio produced thirty-nine successful cartoons with different characters.Keith managed to change everything thinking, organizational structure, vision and ways of operating. Keith staked on deeper connection with people and appeared right. Studio climate changed as well We did everything from completely overhauling and doing a abstract on the space so that it spoke to the creative spirit to encouraging anybody in the company. (p11) Alan Keith succeeded because he dedicated himself personally to developing leadership within organization.Alan Keith faced different cultures, thoughts, ways of life, and he did entrance the opportunity to lead. Actually, I dont see any weakness in his leadership style. I un derstand that there are no perfect people and each person has certain weaknesses. The only thing I can mentions is that he should be less emotional. In certain cases, personal emotions may lead to failure. However, this is not Keiths case. Speaking about exemplary gives of leadership Keith outlines five of them which seem the approximately important model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable other to act and upgrade the heart.The first practice is modeling the way. It suggests finding choice by clarifying personal values and objectives mountain the example by aligning actions with shared values. Alan Keith realized if he wanted to gain commitment and earn the highest standards, he should be the model of behavior for others. He was always clear about his guiding practices. Alan Keith argued that he leader from what he believed. He stressed that leaders should have their choice give voice to their values and believes. The second practice is inspiring a shared vision. Alan Keith proclaimed creativity as shared vision of the studio. Creativity helped him to rejuvenate decaying organizational practice.The next practice is challenging the process. Keith always ventured out. His success is confronting traditional culture with creative ideas. He challenged the process by innovative products and cutting-edge services. Alan Keith is true pioneer as he steeped out in the unknown. The fourth practice is enabling other to act. Keith managed to foster collaboration and increased practice among leadership and simple workers.He engaged everybody in teamwork realizing that people should feel committed and strong. Finally, the fifth practice is encouraging the heart. Keith created community spirit and celebrated values and victories as celebration is considered effective motivational tool. Alan showed insight for individual excellence. Summing up, Alan Keith has all the makings of effective and successful leader. He is perfect both as leader a nd a person.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Probation: Prison and Federal Prisoners Returning
Probation is a type of sentence for criminal defendants. Probation allows a convicted defendant to go free with a suspended sentence for a specified duration during hefty behavior. Probationers are fit(p) low the supervision of a probation officer and must fulfill certain conditions. If the student nurse violates a condition of probation, the court may place additional restrictions on the probationer or hunting lodge the probationer to serve a term of im prisonment. Probation is normally for offenders sentenced to short terms in jail it is not combined with a long prison sentence. egal dictionary) unattended, supervised, and intensive are the three types of probation. Intensive probationers are compulsory to report daily to a probation officer and most times has an electronic monitoring system or they are on house arrest. Supervised probationers report to a probation officer once a month. Unsupervised probationers must get hitched with the guidelines but do not have to report t o a probation officer. Certain hazardous criminals and repeat offenders are not eligible for probation according to the statutory restrictions most states use to determine eligibility. Offenders placed on probation are subject to required conditions.There are standard conditions which all probationers have. Standard conditions intromit reporting to the probation office, reporting change of address, being employed, and not leaving the jurisdiction without permission. Punitive conditions are stupefy to reflect the seriousness of the offense and make probation a little more painful. Examples of punitive conditions are fines, companionship service, victim restitution, house arrest, and drug testing. Treatment conditions make probationers deal with problems or needs, like substance abuse, family counseling, or vocational training ( Corrections The Fundamentals)In the probation process a crime is committed and the offender is sentenced to probation. The southward is the offender lea ve alone have to follow several conditions or guidelines. The third would be to follow through and through with the probation and any other criteria the judge made and get off of probation After researching adults on probation on the BJS website it seems that at that place is always more state probation than federal. Also the number in state probation has strongly increased through the years. The federal probation has been like a rollercoaster starting low going high, going low and back to high.In the article by Allen J Beck State and Federal Prisoners Returning to the Community, it states that 42% of discharges from parole/conditional bring out supervision returned to prison/jail. Also 62% of released State prisoners are rearrested within 3 years 41% returned to prison/jail. Doing some research on the highlights of three years I found At yearend 2009, there were an estimated 5,018,900 adults under supervision in the community either on probation or parole the equivalent of ro und 1 out of every 47 adults in the U. S. Probationers (4,203,967) represented the majority (84%) of the community supervision world at yearend 2009, while parolees (819,308) accounted for a smaller share (16%). At yearend 2008, nearly 5. 1 million adults were under community supervision the equivalent of active 1 in every 45 adults in the join States. At yearend 2002, 1,440,655 prisoners were under the jurisdiction of State or Federal correctional authorities. Looking at the Re entry trend it states at least 95% of all State prisoners will be released from prison at some point nearly 80% will be released to parole supervision.In 2001, about 592,000 State prison inmates were released to the community after serving time in prison. All of this information is significant because it keeps a close eye on how many prisoners are released on probation and what percent of these prisoners did not follow through with it. According to the information from BJS it shows that probation goodnes s has its good times and its bad times. I call in that probation is an utile form of community corrections as it can be.There is never a 100% effective way of stopping people from committing crime. If someone commits a crime even knowing the consequences, chances are they will do it again with or without probation. I think the government needs to focus on wherefore people are committing crime and try to prevent crime before it happens. I also think that maybe there needs to be longer probation periods and harsher ones for repeat offenders. I also think that probation should be for less serious crimes and maybe for misdemeanors and not felonies.
The Family Is an Ideological Construction That Perpetuates Patriarchy. Discuss.
The family is a repressive and ideological construction that perpetuates patriarchy. Discuss. Families could be disemboweld as one of the roughly basic forms of hearty organisation. Look to the highest degree anywhere in the world and you will sustain some form of family unit. This has happened arguably through reproduction, gentlemans gentleman have drives and sexual needs which result in the creation of a impudently support, which to begin with, is exclusively helpless and dependant for a long period of time. The family is almost universal the only exception to this would be communes.Functionalists agree that the family is a primary social organisation and that it does serve the purpose of integrating further generations into order of magnitude with cultural values and norms. Functionalists view that the family carry out the role of socialisation, which is the backbone of most societies. This leads to an efficient scrimping and social order. Functionalists say that the family satisfies the basic physical and emotional needs of humans. Murdock (1949) claimed that the family performs four basic functions in each societies sexual, reproductive, educational, and economic.He believed that no different institution matches the efficiency of the nu agnize family and therefore contri simplyes to its universality. Talcott Parsons argued that primary socialisation of children and the stabilisation of the adult personalities were common to the family in completely societies, not just Ameri net. at that place atomic number 18 criticisms of the functionalists view on the family. Functionalism ignores alternative family structures, and ignores functional alternatives to the family. Further to this Marxist, Feminists, and Post Modern Sociologists do not accept that the family performs particular functions on its own in isolation of other institutions.Marxists say that the family is a major prop for the capitalist economy. They believe that wo workforce rep roduce future generations of workers alongside providing unpaid domestic labour. Women ar very much seen as servants to capitalism. traditionally they stay at home and encourage children to study and enter employment. Further to this families are the central units of intake in groundbreaking societies. We buy houses, cars, material possessions, and holidays. Zaretsky (1976) argues that in modern capitalist society the family creates the illusion that the clubby life of the family can be separated from other aspects of life like economy.He believed that the family cannot provide for the mental and personal needs of individuals. It cushions the effects of capitalism on individuals while perpetuating the system. However this cannot compensate for the usual lunacy and lack of fulfilment produced by capitalism. Modern Marxist accounts of the family emphasise not only its structural features, entirely also its function in socialising children into the ideology of society. Marxists believe that this is simply a way of inveterate the narrow standards of capitalism.Where functionalists like Murdock and Parsons see this socialisation process in the family as a healthy margin to the surrounding social relationships, the Marxist tends to see it as the manipulation of the childs personality to break that it remains in line with the social and economic system. The family is some(prenominal) the institutional and psychological model for social organisation associated with an unequal distribution of wealth and business office and the domination of one section of society by another. Marxism offers an explanation for the evolution of women by men.This is that the family affords opportunities for men to compensate for their real lack of power in capitalist society by exercising domination over their households and their fe anthropoid partners. The role of the male in the family disguises the exploitative nature of the economic system as a whole. Marxists recognise the exploitation of women in marriage and family life but emphasises the relationship between capitalism and the family rather than the familys effect on women. Feminism stresses the exploitation of women as a key feature of family life. Feminism has had the most influence on the study of the family since the 1960s.They are highly critical of the family and emphasize the harmful effects of family life upon women. It is argued that through the production of labour power the family produces and prepares cheap labour at minimal costs to capitalists, as considerably as acting as an emotional support, absorbing frustrations of working in the capitalist system, therefore reducing the revolutionary potential. Radical feminists describe the family as an economic system characterised by the domination and exploitation of women by men. It typically features a male head of household who has ultimate control of family resources and is the final decision-maker.Women assume by far the greater duty for household tasks as unpaid labourers, provide sexual services for the head of household and bear and rear his children. In addition, they assume the overwhelming share of tasks like caring for old and disabled family members. The contributions made by women to family life are thus far greater than those made by men. Even where the woman happens to be the breadwinner she bears a disproportionate burden of housekeeping and is responsible for providing emotional support to the male head of the family.There is a goodish deal of common ground among feminists, though the ideology is characterised by disagreement, but most feminists agree that sexual inequality is not simply natural, it is also highly political. Female oppression operates in all walks of life, including conditioning in the family, the result of stereotyping. So the traditional divide between public man and occult woman is unacceptable. Gender is a significant social aspect, like class, race or religion. It is cau sed by patriarchy, the dominance of men over women in a relationship of power.The dominance of men in the family symbolises male supremacy in all other institutions. Sex and gender should not be confused. Biologically, only women can be mothers, but they dont have to accept the responsibilities of motherhood nurturing, educating and raising children by devoting themselves to home and family. Sex refers to needed biological differences gender, on the other hand, is a cultural term and refers to the different roles that society gives to men and women. The boilersuit goal of feminism is the overthrow of patriarchy and the ending of sexist oppression.Liberal feminists place the emphasis upon heavy and political equality for women. They have pursued an equal rights agenda, and generally in a very prosaic way. They want women to be able to compete on equal terms with men in all area of public life there is no question of women being superior or entitle to favourable treatment. Hence the stress is on female emancipation, equal rights and opportunities. Socialist feminists argue that these equal rights concoct little unless women also enjoy social equality. This means that they address issues such as the ownership of property, the differences in pay and mployment opportunities for men and women, and the distinction between wages labour and unwaged labour for women. So difference is linked to patriarchy, see it as a manifestation of oppression and subordination. Radical feminists believe the personal is the political. They are primarily refer with equality in family and personal life. Equality must therefore operate with respect to childcare and other domestic responsibilities, as well as with respect to control of ones own body, and individual sexual demeanor and fulfilment.The stress is more on difference than on equality the very idea of equality is misdirect since it implies that women would then be male identified in that they define their goals in ter ms of what men are or what men have. Women should instead recognise and celebrate the distinctive features of the female sex the stress is on womens liberation. Clearly, if feminists concupiscence to make permanent long-term changes with respect to the position of women in this society they face the challenge of creating new values with respect to gender and steering these values on to their children.But it is not so clear what the values are that feminists would wish to pass on to their children. An easy answer would be to say general ideas of gender equality. But the deeper we probe, the more complex this issue becomes. What are the specific values that feminists wish to pass on to their children about the structure of the family? Are feminists willing to say that the enemy is patriarchy? And if so, what exactly does this mean, both as a theoretical and a practical matter? The word family covers such a full(a) spectrum of different things, and is victim to cultural relativity.I would say that the nuclear family was definitely an ideological construction. Ann Oakley (1982) said that the formal family is nuclear families composed of legally married couples, voluntarily choosing the parent hood of one or more children. I think Oakleys idea of the family is very ideological. Leach (1967) called this the cereal packet image of the family. Advertisers cohere mercilessly to family imagery for selling all kinds of products. The constant use of women in adverts for cleaning products is a good example of repression.Adverts often show fathers coming home from work to a beautiful wife, immaculate home, well behaved children, and a hearty meal on the table. I think this view is archaic in galore(postnominal) senses, but also rings very true in millions of households today. Some women aspire to this dream we all know that life isnt quite like the adverts, the problem being that we dont find that out till afterwards The family is to some extent a repressive and ideol ogical construction, but as long as there is male dominance in other social institutions, this will continue. I would say that the family isnt as repressive today as it once was.In most modern societies, women can have children and have a career, although this is still somewhat of a blurry area with minus stigma. Further to this there has been a sharp rise in the number of single parent families, which are predominantly headed by women. I do believe the family is ideological it cant always be as clear cut because people face different personal circumstances. Households will continue to be male dominated for hundreds of years to come, men are seen as more economically valuable than women, and this can be seen in salary differences.Until the world and media extinguish the onslaught of family propaganda through the media, our children, and perhaps even our childrens children will grow up with the notion of a patriarchal society. References 1. Sociology Themes & Perspectives (seventh e dition) Haralambos & Holborn 2. www. sociology. org. uk 3. Psychology- The Science of mind and behaviour Richard rough-cut 4. www. wikipedia. co. uk 5. Class Notes 6. http//www. educationforum. co. uk/sociology_2/FamilyDiversitycauses. htm
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Starbucks is the world's premier coffee roaster and retailer Essay
Starbucks is the worlds premier coffee berry roaster and retailer - Essay ExampleAside that, Starbucks is a major corporate entity that seeks to maintain a strong grip by dint of vertical integration. Starbucks maintains a strong retain on the coffee-related products and goods in America and virtually the world. Starbucks has acquired several processing plants and manufacturing entities that supply other corporate bodies with coffee and snack products which helps to boost the brand image. Stakeholders atomic number 18 the major entities who affect and are affected by the activities of an governing body (Freeman, 2004). In the case of Starbucks, the main stakeholders are employees, customers, the community, coffee producers and shareholders. In the mission statement of Starbucks, it seeks to satisfy the demand and aspirations of entirely these groups of stakeholders. The mission of Starbucks promises to submit a great work environment for the employees of Starbucks where div ersity and excellence are at the core of their vision. They also seek to provide absolute customer satisfaction through gauzy products. Also, Starbucks seeks to give back to the community and provide good arrangements and agreements with the coffee producers in different parts of the world. On the side of the shareholders, Starbucks seeks to provide the highest possible profits year-in-year-out for them. Starbucks core strategy is to build a company with a soul. This means it desires to set up a socially responsive organisation that seeks to provide the best results for all classes of stakeholders. It focuses on common values, common purpose and respect of people as well as divided up success to create a bond between employees, suppliers, shareholders and management. Starbucks has different types of outlets found in several forms and systems positive which they serve world class premium coffee. The growth of the Starbucks brand is an important element of the strategy. So Starbucks continues to provide high quality services and create a conducive atmosphere for coffee lovers. It embarked on an elaboration drive in the 1990s by selling in top restaurants and hotels. It also entered joint ventures and strategic alliances with food manufacturers and CD manufacturers to create a unique brand that could be used to sell products around the world. Starbucks also expanded into other markets through strategic acquisition drives. They continue to spread their coffee brands through licensing and international expansion. However, Starbucks is going through some strategic challenges. The focus on the US markets seem to be proving less profitable due to the recent financial crises. Starbucks is therefore focusing on expanding to other alien markets. They also seek to diversify and continue the vertical integration drive which seeks to acquire different duty concerns related to the coffee industry. External Analysis External analyses refers to the points or situations whe re an organisations activities interacts with the elements in the wider society naming governmental, international, macroeconomic and socio-cultural and technological trends relevant (Scott, 2009). Political The years 2007 2009 were tough times for the United States in general. The War in Iraq and the global financial crises created a strong impact on the nation as a whole. The US Congress passed 3 stimulus bills in the period (The New York Times, 2012). These bills were meant to provide recovery to the financial system. It provided tax revenue cuts as well as an unemployment fund to support
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