Monday, August 24, 2020
Lifeboat free essay sample
As the music filled my ears with Joy I could feel simply the euphoria I was In. Maybe nothing else on the planet made a difference. The world could end and I wouldnt care. I could feel the magnificence of the sound of Christian music In my heart It Inspired me so that nobody else could see ever the manner in which I feel. I was lovely, the world was excellent, most likely as delightful as the manner in which I feel. At that point the world got very, I got very. This was the first occasion when I can say I genuinely heard music. My name is Sally, similar to a debris tree glade. I was the young lady who was strolling the rang path.I was isolated from my family when I was five and came here to the United States. My mother had gotten hitched, while I treaded carefully father beat her and whore her, years cruises by. We will compose a custom article test on Raft or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page John his child, a tall, beast like who took my pride and that young lady I was. Living in a haven for quite a long time, I was discouraged, lost, befuddled and took the hands of an inappropriate people to support me. Where it counts I had confidence when I heard the expression of God through music. The primary second I put on my earphones and squeezed play on my Pod. The tune playing was One thing remains y Kristin Standstill each word became Imprinted Into my memory.I comprehended what was absent from my empty life. It had an inclination that It was a totally different world and I at last opened my eyes and Just ventured Into this world that as great and everything else around me lost its significance while I became mixed up in its daze. It was an inclination that just took everything that wasn't right, failed, befuddling, and excruciating within me and changed it into something that I knew just because was correct. The agony was still there yet I discovered a way modify keep these appalling inquiries that brought me so much torment each time I heard Are you K? ND Do you need talk? I realized that there was something incorrectly yet to every other person I Just appeared another peaceful child who Just didnt have companions and perhaps I was, I genuinely dont even know. I felt as long as I had music to keep myself from the fall to pieces button, that I would discover some type of satisfaction regardless of how little It was. Music to me wasnt Just a type of help, It was a path for me to communicate something anything possibly not to others yet to myself with the goal that I realized I had some kind of feeling and that I was even normal.It is my life pontoon. I adhered to Christian music as though it was the key for me to make it in this world and it worked. It kept me dry till one day a typhoon came and nearly suffocated me and in this rough tempest and I lost my direction. I quit following the music and I surmise some place along the line I took the my ways back and fell into this awful hellhole and went excessively far down. One day I woke up and asked myself who am l? I realized that I needed to have trust and follow the expression of God and rouse me and transform me and guide me.Here in this world I understood that Christian music would have been ready to be my life rearward I glanced around and found that this ponders was my inspiration, my quality, and would advise me not to surrender. I was appreciative that I did, I flipped over my raft and Just kept on walking around. As the days, weeks, months, and years went on that I talked and increased new companions, I found that my life was turning out to be less and less required as individuals were at long last beginning to acknowledge me for me. The murkiness and agony however now I realize that I have something beyond my music and raft since when another tempest comes, I have other people who can en able me to endure.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sir John A. Macdonald free essay sample
In 1866, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the region of Canada chose to confederate. Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island didn’t need to yet. The British parliament added British Columbia to Confederation in1871, making it the 6th territory. MacDonald needed to persuade them to join by promising to fabricate a cross-country railroad. He made Canada’s first national park in Banff, Alberta in 1885. He fabricated a country including Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia. In doing as such, he opened the West for settlement. He supported individuals in the United States, Britain, and others in Europe to settle in Canada. Due to what MacDonald did, presently Canada has more land and a higher populace. As an executive, one of his objectives was to amplify the nation and make it joined together. He conversed with Metis and consented to their requests. He additionally fabricated a cross-country railroad that joined the West and the East. We will compose a custom article test on Sir John A. Macdonald or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It was named the Canadian Pacific Railway. He likewise acknowledged the National Policy to Canada’s populace and modern development. MacDonald was presumably the most significant Father of Confederation. He was the individual who had the option to overcome any barrier between the English and French Canadian and adjusted their inclinations so they could live calmly together. MacDonald likewise ensured taxes for the Canadian business. He attempted to persuade voters that a financial association would no doubt change to a political association in Canada. He additionally got together with George Brown (his adversary) to make the Great Coalition. That was a critical advance towards Confederation and it framed the region of Canada. The British North American Act gave the Dominion of Canada the option to as Canadian government to pass laws. It additionally let the individuals to have their own particular powers and deal with their own undertakings. Numerous individuals didn’t realize that he made a significant thing for Canada that is as yet valuable today. That thing that he made is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They additionally named it the North-West Mounted Police so it would likewise seem as though a police power for the Northwest Territories. He made it in 1873 and the motivation behind why he made it was on the grounds that the Canadians and the Aboriginal individuals got little pox and terrified of one another. MacDonald kicked the bucket on June 6, 1891. He was imperative to Canada’s history. All the individuals in Canada ought to express gratitude toward him for what he did, he had a lot of intensity and he chose to utilize them astutely. We should be pleased for our first Prime clergyman of Canada for John A. MacDonald was a significant man without him, Canada would not be as it is today. The Canadian Pacific Railway The main Canadian Pacific Railway train from the Atlantic to the Pacific, June 30, 1886. John A. MacDonald constructed the Canadian Pacific Railway on the grounds that it’s useful for organizations and voyaging.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
How Spirituality Can Benefit Mental and Physical Health
How Spirituality Can Benefit Mental and Physical Health Spirituality Print How Spirituality Can Benefit Mental and Physical Health By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on May 31, 2019 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Burak Karademir / Getty Images While people use many different religions and paths to find God or to express their spirituality, ?research has shown that those who are more religious or spiritual and use their spirituality to cope with life, experience many benefits to their health and well-being. For many, this news would come as no surprise; spirituality and religious activity have been a source of comfort and relief from stress for multitudes of people. In fact, according to a study from the University of Florida in Gainesville and Wayne State University in Detroit, older adults use prayer more than any other alternative therapies for health; 96% of study participants use prayer specifically to cope with stress. Spiritualitys Positive Influence on Health While specific spiritual views are a matter of faith, research has examined whether the benefits of spirituality and spiritual activity are provable facts. The results may surprise no one who has found comfort in their religious or spiritual views, but they are definitely noteworthy in that they demonstrate in a scientific way that these activities do work for many people. Here are just a few more of the many positive findings related to spirituality and its influence on physical and mental health: Canadian college students who are involved with campus ministries visited the doctor less. They also scored higher on tests of psychological well-being and coped with stress more effectively.Older women are more grateful to God than older men, and they receive greater ?stress-buffering health effects due to this gratitude.Those with an intrinsic religious orientation, regardless of gender, exhibited less physiological reactivity toward stress than those with an extrinsic religious orientation. They were also less afraid of death and had greater feelings of well-being. (Those who were intrinsically oriented dedicated their lives to God or a ‘higher power,’ while the extrinsically oriented ones used religion for external ends like making friends or increasing community social standing.) This, along with other research, demonstrates that there may be tangible and lasting benefits to maintaining involvement with a spiritual community. This involvement, along with the gratitude that can accompany spirituality, can be a buffer against stress and is linked to greater levels of physical health. Dedication to God or a higher power translated into less stress reactivity, greater feelings of well-being, and ultimately even a decreased fear of death. People who feel comfortable and comforted using spirituality as a coping mechanism for stress can rest assured that theres even more evidence that this is a good idea for them. Prayer works for young and old alike. Prayer and spirituality have been linked to: Better healthLess hypertensionLess stress, even during difficult timesMore positive feelingsLess depressionGreater psychological well-beingSuperior ability to handle stress Final Thoughts Whether this information inspires you to rediscover a forgotten spiritual path, reinforces your commitment to an already well-established one, or simply provides interesting food for thought, this is just a sample of all the encouraging research that’s been done on the topic. Spirituality is a very personal experience, and everyone’s spiritual path may be unique. However, some spiritual stress relief strategies have been helpful to many, regardless of faith. Check them out, and see which may work for you.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Home of the Wildcats, Villanova University is known for...
Home of the Wildcats, Villanova University is known for being a pleasant, welcoming, private, four-year university. According to U.S. World Report, Villanova is also ranked #1 for North Regional Universities. Not only do they participate in twenty-four varsity sports, but they can also provide up to 220,000 hours of community service within a year (Villanova University), with the most popular event being the Special Olympics. From an exceptional amount of financial aid to an immense amount of course studies, Villanova is a great university for a freshman to consider. Location and Historical Facts Founded in 1842, Villanova University is located in the suburban area of Villanova, Pennsylvania. Close to Philadelphia, Villanova is mainly†¦show more content†¦To meet the requirements a student needs to have taken the SAT or ACT. The SAT has an average score of an 1850, and the ACT has a score around 27 ( Also, a student will have a better chance of being considered if they are ranked in the top 20% of their class. A student can apply by contacting the university via email or phone, which can be found on their homepage. Form that, they can apply online. Fall entry applications are to be turned in by the beginning of March, while spring entries should be turned in by mid-November. A student can also chose to the summer entry, in which the applications should be turned in by the beginning of May. For graduate programs, deadlines for scholarships should be turned in either in the beginning or February or March, depending on the progra m the student is interested in (â€Å"Liberal Arts and Sciences†) Academics Villanova University offers a wide range of opportunities to get certified in. Students are able to minor in theatre and bioengineering. Students may also get their Bachelor’s degree in Arts, Sciences, and Business. Masters is another option for students. They can receive their Masters in religious studies and nursing (â€Å"Fast Facts†). The classes are great for a student wanting a small class size. For each class, there is a ratio of 11 students for each teacher. Therefore, giving a student a chance to be more involved in class activities and have a chance to ask more in-depthShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesYour WileyPLUS Account Manager Training and implementation support MAKE IT YOURS! Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Tenth Edition David A. DeCenzo Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University San Diego, CA Tenth Edition Contributor Susan L. Verhulst Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny, IA John Wiley Sons, Inc. Associate Publisher Executive Editor Senior Editoral Assistant Marketing Manager
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Forbidden Game The Hunter Chapter 10 Free Essays
Excitement bubbled up in Jenny. â€Å"Finally we can go somewhere.†â€Å"And get out of this freaking hallway,†Dee said. We will write a custom essay sample on The Forbidden Game: The Hunter Chapter 10 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Michael was looking awed. â€Å"It’s just like going up to the next level of a video game.†But Audrey pursed her lips. When Jenny asked why, Audrey gave her a sideways glance under spiky dark lashes. â€Å"One thing about video games-the farther you go, the harder they get,†she said. â€Å"N’est-ce pas?†The stairs had rubber padding with the ridges worn almost to nothing. Jenny couldn’t see the top from where she stood-the roof of the Haunted Mansion hall was in the way. â€Å"What are we waiting for?†Dee said and vaulted onto the steps. Then she grabbed for the railing-as soon as her foot touched a step, the whole staircase had started moving with a jerk. It was a wheezing, groaning, shivering escalator. â€Å"Oh, geez,†Michael said. â€Å"I hate to tell you this, but when I was a kid I was scared of escalators. I was afraid they might catch the end of my muffler or something-â€Å" â€Å"You don’t wear mufflers,†Audrey said and shoved him on. â€Å"Mike, if you’re scared of escalators, then this one is probably your fault,†Jenny said, stepping on behind him. â€Å"Remember, he gets it all from us.†As they neared the top, Jenny found they were riding directly toward a mirror. In fact, she discovered when she looked down the hall-after helping Mike jump off the escalator at the strategic moment -there were mirrors everywhere. The hallway downstairs had been dark-this one was exactly the opposite. Light bounced and rainbowed off the mirrors lining the zigzagging walls until Jenny saw colored streaks even with her eyes closed. In fact, the mirrored walls zigged and zagged so sharply that it was impossible to get a clear view for more than a few feet. You had to veer alternately right and left to follow the hallway’s path, and anything in the bend before you or behind you was invisible. â€Å"All right, who put these here?†Dee demanded. â€Å"Are my legs really that short? Or are these trick mirrors?†Audrey asked, pivoting. Michael made one effort to straighten his wrinkled gray sweats and then gave up. Jenny’s own reflection made her uncomfortable. She seemed to hear Julian’s voice in her mind: â€Å"Eyes as green as cypress and hair like liquid amber. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ That wasn’t what she saw. Just now Jenny saw a girl with flushed cheeks, whose hair was clinging to her forehead in little damp curls, whose tissue-linen blouse was beginning to go limp, and whose flowing cotton skirt was dusty and grass-stained. â€Å"Right or left-take your pick,†she said, glancing up and down the hallway. â€Å"Left,†Dee said firmly, and they went that way, zigging and zagging with the acute turns. The mirrors were disconcerting. Everywhere Jenny looked her image was thrown back at her, and thrown from mirror to mirror so that she saw herself coming and going, reflected to infinity on all sides. Stay in this place long enough and you might forget which one is really you, she thought. As in the other hallway, there were no deviations from the pattern, nothing to distinguish any part of it from any other. It was especially nerve-racking not being able to see more than one turn behind you, and not knowing what might be waiting around the next turn ahead. Images of the Creeper and the Lurker went through Jenny’s mind. â€Å"Dee, slow down,†Jenny said as Dee’s long, light step took her out of sight for the third time. Dee was navigating the corridor like a skier on a slalom, plunging in and out of the sharp turns, while the rest of them walked with hands outstretched to help them tell reflection from reality. â€Å"No, you guys hurry up-†Dee’s voice was responding from the next bend, and then there was a flash. It seemed to reflect from everywhere at once, but Jenny thought it came from ahead. She and Audrey and Michael stood frozen for a moment, then hurried forward. Dee was standing, hands on her hips, in front of a door. It was mirrored like the walls, but Jenny figured it had to be a door because there was a red button like an elevator button beside it. When she looked hard she could distinguish the door’s outline from the mirror around it. Above the red button was a blue light bulb, round as a clown’s nose. â€Å"It just appeared,†Dee said and snapped her fingers. â€Å"Like that. In that flash.†From the turn ahead they heard whimpering. â€Å"Summer!†Jenny, Dee, and Audrey exclaimed simultaneously. It was Summer, huddled in the next bend, her spun-sugar curls resting on her folded arms, her legs drawn beneath her china blue shirtdress. She looked up with a little hysterical cry at their approach. â€Å"Is it really you?†â€Å"Yes,†Jenny said, kneeling. She was a little frightened by the expression in Summer’s eyes. â€Å"Really, really you?†â€Å"Yes. Oh, Summer.†Worriedly, Jenny put her arms around the smaller girl and felt her trembling. â€Å"I’ve been alone here so long, and I kept seeing myself, and then sometimes I thought I saw other people, but when I ran toward them they weren’t there___†â€Å"Who have you seen?†Jenny asked. â€Å"Sometimes Zachary-and sometimes him. He scares me, Jenny.†Summer buried her small face in Jenny’s vest. He scares me, too, Jenny thought. She said, â€Å"There’s nothing to be frightened of now. We’re really here. See?†Summer managed a watery smile. â€Å"Poor sun Bunny, Michael said. I guess it must be your nightmare next.†â€Å"Good job, Mr. Tactful,†Dee said under her breath. They explained about the nightmares to Summer. She wasn’t as disturbed as Jenny thought she might be. â€Å"Anything to get out of here,†she said. â€Å"I know. I’ve only been here twenty minutes, and I hate the place already,†Dee said. â€Å"Anybody for claustrophobia?†In front of the door Jenny hesitated with her finger on the button. â€Å"I don’t suppose you want to tell us what you drew for your nightmare,†she said. She didn’t have much hope; none of the others had told. â€Å"Okay,†Summer said readily. â€Å"It was a messy room.†â€Å"A messy room?†Michael said. â€Å"Oh, horror.†â€Å"No, really, Summer,†Audrey said with a briskly adult air. â€Å"It’ll help if you tell us.†Dee flashed an amused ebony glance at her. â€Å"I did tell you. It’s a messy room.†â€Å"It’s all right, Summer,†Jenny said gently. â€Å"Well deal with it when we get there.†She pushed the red button. The blue light went on. The door slid open. It was a messy room. â€Å"You see,†Summer said. It was Summer’s bedroom, only more so. Ever since Jenny had known Summer, her room had been messy. Summer’s parents were refugees from the sixties, and everything in their house was slightly frayed or weathered, but as Michael said, Summer herself had clutter down to a fine art. When you visited her you usually couldn’t see the handmade tie-dyed curtains at the window or the bright patchwork quilt on the bed, because of the things hanging from them or piled up in front of them or scattered on top of them. In the room behind the mirrored door, Jenny couldn’t even see the bed. There was a small clear space in front of the closet-everything else was obscured by piles of junk. Dee and Michael were giggling. â€Å"Trust you, Sunshine, to have a nightmare like this,†Dee said. Jenny sighed, not nearly as amused. â€Å"All right, everybody, let’s go in. I suppose we have to clean it up-there must be a door somewhere along one of the far walls.†â€Å"Hey, wait. I don’t do the C-word,†Michael protested, alarmed. â€Å"Besides, dust is bad for my allergies.†â€Å"In,†said Audrey, taking him by the ear. They all squeezed in between the closet and the piles. The door slid noiselessly shut behind them-and disappeared. â€Å"Talk about claustrophobia,†Michael gasped. â€Å"Cette chambre est une vrai pagaille,†Audrey said under her breath. â€Å"What?†Jenny asked. â€Å"I said this is one messy room. Summer, how can you stand it?†Summer’s delft-blue eyes filled with tears. â€Å"My real room isn’t as bad as this. This is my nightmare, dummy!†â€Å"Well, why this kind of nightmare?†Audrey said, not softening. â€Å"Because my mom never yells about my room, but once my nana came to visit, and she almost passed out. I still dream about what she said.†â€Å"Don’t make her feel bad,†Jenny whispered to Audrey. â€Å"Try to clear a path around the edges,†she said aloud, â€Å"and check every wall for the door.†The piles of junk were amazingly varied. There were heaps of rumpled clothes, year-old magazines, disjointed Ray-Bans, spindled cassette tapes, unstrung string bikinis, crushed frozen yogurt cups, bent photographs, mismatched sandals, dry felt-tip pens, chewed pencils, twisted headphones, musty towels, endless mounds of underwear, and a zoo of bedraggled stuffed animals. Also a dog-chewed Frisbee, a mashed Twister mat, and a futon that smelled like somebody’s bottom. â€Å"It’s spider city here,†Dee said, gathering up one of the heaps. â€Å"Haven’t you ever heard of Raid?†â€Å"I believe in live and let live,†Summer said vaguely. It really was a nightmare of sorts, Jenny thought-a nightmare of tedium. But Dee worked with tireless energy and Audrey with fastidious precision, and slowly they forged a path through the debris. Michael was no good at all-he stopped to leaf through every magazine he picked up. They were getting to a different type of garbage-a type that made Audrey wrinkle up her nose. Blackened avocado husks, mildewed newspapers, and plastic glasses with the dregs of unidentifiable liquids in them. Then Jenny lifted a box of odds and ends and saw something like a pressed flower on the hardwood floor underneath. But it wasn’t a flower, it was the wrong shape. At first she didn’t recognize it, then she saw the little muzzle and the tiny curled-up feet. It was a flat and desiccated mouse. She couldn’t help gasping. I can’t touch that, I can’t, I can’t. Dee scraped it up with a 1991 calendar and threw it in the closet. Jenny felt a whisper of terror inside her, unease that went beyond disgust at the mouse. The garbage got worse and worse-like what you’d find at a dump, nothing that would be in anybody’s bedroom. Food in all stages of decomposition. Every kind of refuse, trash, and litter. No one was smiling anymore. Dee picked up a tattered Easter basket, paused. An awful smell wafted from it. She stirred the cellophane grass with one long finger, and then her face convulsed. In the basket was a solid mass of white, writhing maggots. â€Å"God!†In one fluid motion Dee threw the basket at the closet, where it hit the door and scattered a shower of white. Michael bolted up from his magazine with a yell. Audrey and Summer were shrieking. Jenny felt the quick, cold touch of real fear. â€Å"Summer-just what did your grandmother say about your room?†she said. â€Å"Oh-she said things were growing in it,†Summer reported, her eyes large and worried. â€Å"She said it would attract bugs. She said it looked like an earthquake hit it. She said someday I would get lost in it and never come out.†Dee, who had been staring at Summer, now cut a glance of startled revelation at Jenny. The tension in the room was palpable. â€Å"Ana just what kind of nightmares do you have about it?†Jenny asked, trying to discipline her voice. â€Å"Oh.†Summer shivered. â€Å"Well-it’s like I hear a scratchy noise, and then I look and it’s these cockroaches-but they’re big, big as †¦ as sneakers. And then I see this thing on the floor. It’s like fungus, sort of a column of fungus, but it’s got a kind of mouth on the top and it’s howling. It’s howling fungus.†Summer’s lips were trembling by now. â€Å"It may not sound scary, but it was. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.†A primitive warning was going off in Jenny’s brain. She, Audrey, Dee, and Michael all looked at one another. â€Å"It sounds plenty scary to me,†she said. â€Å"I think maybe we’d better get moving.†Michael’s lips were puckered in a soundless whistle. â€Å"I think maybe you’re right,†he muttered. He bent to work without another word of complaint. The closet was full by now, and they were just transferring things from before them to behind them, like digging a tunnel. The garbage kept getting grosser and grosser and scarier and scarier. Things Jenny didn’t want to touch with her hands. She wore crumpled Tshirts like oven mitts to move them. Then the bugs came. It started with a rustle, a pleasant sound like a taffeta prom dress. Jenny stiffened, then turned slowly to look. A cockroach, flat and brown. But it was huge, far larger than Jenny’s foot. It crawled languidly out of the floor vent, squirming through somehow, its barbed back legs catching on the metal louvers. Its feet made soft ticking sounds on the paper debris. Summer gave a reedy shriek and pointed at it. Then another one came out of the vent, and another. Summer’s pointing finger became a shaky blur. Jenny reached for a water glass to revive her and snatched her hand back. The glass was jam-packed with crickets, antennae twitching delicately. Summer saw it. She stopped pointing and went still. Smaller roaches emerged from a discarded candy box, the frilly paper cups crinkling as the bugs crept out. Summer’s face was so white there were blue patches under her eyes. Iridescent green beetles the size of footballs began to climb the walls. They flexed their chitinous outer wings, their membranous inner wings hanging out like dragging petticoats. Summer stood like a statue of ice. Jenny looked up. A dozen brown moths as big as small kites were clinging flat to the ceiling, their dark-spotted wings outstretched. â€Å"Come on, Summer, help us!†Audrey said in a fear-clotted voice as she raked at the trash. Disturbed ants swarmed out of it, forming thick trails like black waterfalls over the debris. Summer didn’t move. She was staring at one of the hard-shelled beetles like a witless rabbit caught in a headlight. The ground rocked beneath Jenny’s feet. At first she thought it was some effect of the garbage shifting. Then she remembered: â€Å"She said it looked like an earthquake hit it†¦.†â€Å"We have to hurry!†she shouted at the same time as Dee yelled, â€Å"Go, go!†They were clawing through the garbage now, tearing just enough away from the wall to reveal cracked and peeling wallpaper, to make sure there was no door. They climbed on the smaller mounds, wading through them. The ground shook again. The whisper of terror inside Jenny had become a scream. â€Å"Hurry,†she gasped, clearing refuse with sweeps of her arms. â€Å"Hurry, hurry †¦Ã¢â‚¬ The towering piles of rubbish quaked. They were all working frenetically, even Michael. Only Summer stood rooted in horror. â€Å"The door!†Dee shouted, from the top of a pile. Jenny’s head snapped up. Relief flooded through her. Barely visible above a stinking pile she could see the rectangular molding of the door. â€Å"It opens in,†Audrey said. â€Å"We have to get all this stuff out of the way.†They scrambled over each other, ripping at the pile. A cockroach climbed onto Jenny’s foot; she kicked it off. Time to scream later. The room shook again. Jenny looked up and her breath hissed in. There were ominous cracks in the ceiling. At that moment Dee and Michael cleared the last rubble from the door. With a thankful sob Jenny helped them pull it open. Then she turned to look back. What she saw wasn’t anybody’s room. It was Hell. There were huge cracks in the floor with monstrous, mutant bugs crawling out. The ceiling was buckling and plaster was filtering down. The moths, disturbed, were fluttering through the air, their wings making a sound like huge cards shuffling. And sprouting like grotesque anemones among the refuse were objects Jenny didn’t recognize. They looked like drooping sea cucumbers and they were green-gray. Audrey and Michael had stumbled out into the hall of mirrors. Dee was holding the door. The earth rumbled again. â€Å"Summer, come on!†Jenny shouted. Summer turned toward her voice, her large blue eyes blind. She took a step toward Jenny. One of the growths directly in her path straightened up. It became a column. At the top of the column there was an aperture that flared open and shut. The aperture opened wide. A demented, obscene sound came out. It was howling. The other growths were straightening. The moaning siren sound doubled, tripled. They were between Summer and the door. Summer turned and stumbled back toward the closet, shrieking. â€Å"Summer, no! Come back!†The ground heaved. The piles of garbage were toppling, falling into the clear path. The mutant bugs skittered around in a frenzy. They seemed to be heading toward Summer. The fungus howled. Summer’s shrieks gave way to full-throated screaming. â€Å"Summer!†Adrenaline kicked in and Jenny plunged into the garbage, trying to climb it. â€Å"Jenny, come back!†Dee shouted. More rubbish fell. Jenny couldn’t see Summer at all. The screams were fading. â€Å"Jenny, I can’t hold the door!†The screams fell silent. Only the howling went on. â€Å"Summer!†The earth jerked violently. â€Å"It’s coming down!†Dee shouted, and Jenny felt a hand grab her, pull her backward. â€Å"No-we have to get Summer!†â€Å"We can’t get anybody! Come on!†â€Å"No-Summer!†Jenny screamed, turning again. Dee ducked and caught Jenny around the waist. Jenny found herself flying over Dee’s shoulders, out the door. Michael and Audrey grabbed her. Through the open door Jenny saw the ceiling come down. Dee staggered out and fell beside them. Jenny didn’t have the strength to stand up. Then the door slammed shut as the toppling piles fell against it. â€Å"Look,†Michael said in a thick voice. The door was disappearing. It did a slow fade, like a still frame in a movie. It was a door, it was a slightly misty door, it was a transparent door with mirror showing through, it was a mirrored wall. Jenny was staring wildly at her own image. She could see the others in the mirror. Audrey was white as china. Dee’s face was gray. Michael looked numb. They huddled on the carpet, stunned. It had happened with such terrible suddenness. Jenny whispered, â€Å"When Dee was late coming out of Audrey’s nightmare, the door didn’t disappear. It stayed there-and she came out. But this time †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"God,†said Dee in a very low voice. There was a long silence. Audrey, finally, was the one to say the words. â€Å"She’s dead.†Jenny put her face in her hands. It was a gesture she would never have thought she’d use. At the moment it just happened. She wanted to hide from the world. She wanted to make everything that had happened unhappen. â€Å"It’s not fair,†she whispered. â€Å"She never hurt anybody.†Then she was standing, shouting to the echoing hallway. â€Å"It’s not fair. It’s not fair, damn you! She didn’t deserve it! It’s not fair!†â€Å"Jenny. Jenny, calm down-come on, now. Jenny, please-just sit down, okay?†They were all trying to hold her. Jenny realized she wasn’t in control of herself. She was trembling violently, and her throat hurt from screaming. As suddenly as it had come, the hysterical energy faded. Jenny felt herself falling. They set her down. â€Å"It’s okay,†Dee said, and Jenny felt a hand stroking her hair. At any other time it would have surprised her. Now she felt nothing. â€Å"It’s okay to be upset,†Dee said. They didn’t understand. It was Jenny’s fault. She was the one who had gotten them into this. If she had kissed Julian in the Erlking’s cavern, she could have gotten Summer out. As if to mock her, an unseen clock struck two. But Jenny could only sit. How to cite The Forbidden Game: The Hunter Chapter 10, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Definition of Diversity in the Workforce
Introduction Today, the prevailing concern for human resource personnel is to have a varied workforce given the fact that diversity has a new dimension altogether. Each organization has its own way of defining diversity at the workplace; it has more than one established view of focusing on race or sex.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Definition of Diversity in the Workforce specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The varying marketplace and workers’ demographics are the main concerns in diversity staffing plans in nearly all the corporations. Thus, diversified staffing is seen like a deliberate reserve for competitive edge by the HRM. Besides, diversity emerged as the issue concerning cultural minority groups, tribal marginal set, elder people, and populace with disabilities. It has further included females, those who exercise English as their subsequent tongue, individuals of non-customary sexual orient ation as well as additional non-established grouping. Alternatively, some practitioners claim that another element of diversity entails conditions that control one’s existence and value systems, such as education backdrop, belief, spare time behavior, earnings, parental and conjugal status, work skills, and people’s ecological locations. The staff members have recognized the increased benefit of diversified workers to their baseline. Importance of Diversity Recruitment In a corporation, for success to be realized, a diverse labor force is required at workplace to increase production, enhance problem solving abilities and maximize innovation purposes. There is need, therefore, to appoint personnel from any race given that the retail influence is bestowed in the hands of individuals and groups from diversified settings. With respect to this, it has progressively become more imperative for corporations to replicate the frameworks of their consumers’ base via utiliz ing diverse personnel. Furthermore, to put up experienced staff that would limit demographic transformation upsetting the workforces and existing capacities, diversified employees must be recruited in the impending periods. At present, within the international markets, customers have become more cautious and acknowledged the need for a diverse approach in providing services and goods. It is essential to accept diversity in a corporation to assemble superior personnel. This will enable change within the labor force and make the company remain competitive in the marketplace.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Strategies used by HR professionals to build and maintain diverse workforce Both the public sector and the private corporations need effective and efficient recruitment programs to gain valuable competitive advantage. It is quite challenging to these sectors to compete for talented and skilled workforces. The trend is likely to continue challenging as labor force is changed by the demographic trends. Due to the above reasons, the public sector human resource professionals have devised various strategies and assumed different steps to ensure that the typical diversity recruitment programs are turned into successful and effective ones. Strategies that human resource professional currently use to diversify the public sector workforce are discussed below. Using referrals To the human resource professionals found in the public sector, referrals have proved to be an influential diversity recruitment tool. In fact, the diversity referral program works very well if both the former and the current workforces can effectively promote the public sector corporations. The workforce referral programs are normally used to measure the perception of employees. Thus, the ex- and the recent staffs are authorized with any reports required from them to confirm why indi viduals might desire to be employed in the corporation and the motives behind the decisions of those working there. Despite being helpful, employees’ referral programs need significant reforms in order to improve their effectiveness. The four ways to make these changes include: finding out what is being said by both the former and the current workers; determining if the workforce demographic sets have any negative perception; steadily pushing out accounts to workforces to offer compelling and unique grounds why diverse entities may aspire working in the public sector; developing strategic methods for actively managing employees’ perceptions and communicating with them. Offering rewards, recognition and incentives Very few corporations tend to offer rewards to their managers in order to identify or hire diverse employees. In fact, workforce may be offered small rewards to assist with the identification of diversified candidates’ names. To some extent, human res ource managers are rewarded purposely to recruit diversified workforces. For instance, approximately five to ten percent of the total number of recruiting human resource executives’ salaries must be anchored on retention results and diversity recruiting. The diversity employment triumph in corporations can similarly be tied to the reimbursement given to the higher-ranking executives, the HRM, and the staffing administrators.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Definition of Diversity in the Workforce specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Besides, the public sector corporations make themselves more attractive to their diversified workers through increasing workforce satisfaction. Workplace and benefit programs including phased retirement, flexible work arrangements, and reward initiatives have become attractive to older employees. According to the public corporations’ human resource professionals, t hese strategies seem to have been working quite well as they have ensured that the workforce was greatly diversified. Establishing college and university relationships The public sector corporations have realized the benefits of establishing close affiliations with universities and colleges in order to recruit diversified workforce. Most corporations develop intimate attachments with sections of apprentices who originate from institutions that have marginal experts. To reach their aims, these corporations proffer scholarship or funding for the marginalized apprentices, such as the Organization for Nationalized Black Masters in Business Administration Students sections. Sometimes, the companies are obliged to bring in students from minority colleges as interns. This method of creating workforce diversity has been a successful strategy since such students are eventually hired to take part in the management trainees programs. Developing relationship with superficially varied societies, unions and specialists With the exception of developing associations with professionals in the higher learning institutions, organizations should build relationships with other institutions dealing with minority groups. Moreover, developing relationship with charitable organizations enables the company to attain its long-term goals geared towards diversity programs. Strategic programs aimed at recruiting diversified workforce from post high school teaching curriculums, community colleges and part time schools might aid in recruiting additional minority groups.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Recruitment campaign techniques used by HR professionals to reach the target audiences Establishing clear goals To successfully reach a target audience and recruit diversified workforce, the campaign strategies used by companies should have clear-cut goals. Corporations have competitive advantage and extra edge when they devise plans that could be used to build and maintain diverse workforce. In order to attain its intended goals, the organization diversity programs should be based on the core values, aims and objectives of the organization. Once drafted and adopted by the management, the diversity recruitment program should then be communicated to all departments of the organization, and its employees should be conversant with the purpose of the program. Every workforce level should have knowledge of the diversity recruitment program, its functions, and importance (Jackson, 1992). To accomplish this, corporations need to use training. If corporation reaches the internal goals, the external objectives can easily be achieved. Workers have the capacity to easily identify the major diversity candidates for the organization. Developing the case for diversity Purposeful and appropriate propositions must be made in order to influence the managers to adopt the diversity-recruitment program and achieve the intended rationale. More often, management will accept the diversity program based on economic or business propositions. This will in turn help managers employ diversified workforce. Organizational diversity workforce programs should have the support of top management to avoid and shun the politic and the legal issues. The corporate directors should be made conversant with the benefits of the diversity recruitment, material value of diversity recruitment to the organization as well as the cost of the exercise to the organization. The organizational leadership must be fully committed to strengthen the program, produce positive results and create an inclusive culture (Paludi, 2012). Using market researches In the public sector, the HR professionals need to draw on the latest research conducted on markets to improve and diagnose the prevailing campaigns on diversity recruitment. In fact, diversity staffing can take advantage of marketplace study in two critical manners. These include to classify the decisive factor for choosing occupation resolutions and to categorize the demographics for work applicants. Building the message for diversity into the corporation service brand A target audience can be reached through this approach. The minority groups should be shown that the corporation offers a good workplace. This could be done through using the organization recruitment website for posting the individual employee’s profile, the core values of the corporation, offering distinctive workplace benefits, sponsoring women or minority based events or even via the use of referral programs (Kossek Lobel, 1997). Steps enacted by human resource pers onnel both to recruit diverse employees and to keep hold of them in the organization The personnel should not only successfully recruit, but also strive to maintain staff in their working positions within an organization. These criteria can be met when several adherence programs are put in place, such as creating the department of choice for people and reviewing the interdepartmental communication channels to reflect on the acknowledgment of employees. Furthermore, promoting cultural esteem and understanding the need to guarantee the employees’ freedom to choose will be boosted once they commence their work at the department. This will in fact promote development opportunities for employees, aiming at channeling their capabilities into the right direction as well as enabling them to understand their self-identities. According to Jackson (1992), personnel should institute a contact official position to endorse service programs and strategies to provide a single contact point w ithin the department. It is also clear that gender balance should be taken into consideration as well as employing the disabled individuals since this will ensure that outsourced staffing provider’s methods are available. The human resource managers should also develop disability action preparation strategies to enlarge new approach and develop opportunities for persons with disabilities. The establishment of monitoring programs should be put in place to enable employee-counseling networks. Disability consciousness trainings for managers and other individuals in recruitment chain should be provided as a precedence to produce a disability contact point. Resource personnel should ensure that the disabled use training and development options through accommodating them and offering rational workplace adjustments (Paludi, 2012). This will help the managers inspect and use further options to provide realistic workplace adjustments and assistive expertise for the employees. Psycholo gical health and welfare alertness program built through domestic policy and learning opportunities should be promoted to ensure employees are retained in an organization. The provision of flexibility to assist employees to balance between job and life responsibilities is necessary as management tends to attract, hold, and engage workers. This can be achieved if the department makes choices for both sexes in order to help employees to maintain their life, work balance and responsibilities while developing vocations. A keep-in-touch plan for employees on parental leave should be implemented so that employees’ commitments and everyday jobs would be known and supported. The HR professionals should ensure that the office is a protected place where people can divulge their sexual direction or gender individuality without being repressed. This will ensure that employees are conscious of the available options to help them balance between personal and work responsibilities (Kossek L obel, 1997). This will enable them to retain their work since it makes it easy for the managers to create loyal monitoring programs to develop guidance capabilities as well as access to networking and growth opportunities. Moreover, HRM should undertake a study to spot exceptional barriers and challenges faced at workplace and in the manual labor to make sure that they employ and keep diversified workforce. Employees from linguistically and ethnically varied regions should also be retained at public workplaces since they augment the corporation’s productivity. To achieve this, the managers should set up an employee review program and maintain the departmental class employer of the people’s choice originating from racially and linguistically assorted backgrounds. In fact, civilizing leadership aptitude promoting development opportunities and recognizing the worth of leveraging the assortment of personnel should be looked into (Albrecht, 2001). This will capitalize on th e potential of employees, who value consumers, and ensure that the personnel practitioners communicate to the employees to recognize the rising desires. Recognition and support for the wants of an inter-generational workforce also encourage the recruitment and retention of diversity employees in an organization. However, managers must promote extensive cultures that hold the capacity of an employee despite age. This implies that personnel managers should make the department and employer of choice for mature-age recruits. Programs should be introduced to assist proficient maturity as well as distribution of information and uphold commercial data. Third, plans that promote retraining of seniors preventing age discrimination on organization management should be made available by the corporation management. They should also try to discover the employees’ prerequisites through surveying taking into their age groups to make sure the department prefers to recruit younger employees ( Kossek Lobel, 1997). Therefore, managers and all the employees should integrate and consider workplace diversity ideology in work practices each time to ensure they are entrenched in the departmental traditions. This ensures a workplace is free from aggravation and prejudice, but recognizes and integrates the corresponding differentiation between the staffs. All industries and departmental workers should be responsible for the accomplishment and execution of this approach. Several campaigns should then be put in place including personnel and strategy section programs for coordinating the execution and progress of initiatives. These should give yearly reports on employees’ performance. Another strategy is the service division and people strategy that is vital to sustain the discharge of the negotiated initiatives. People and value committee uses a requisite strategy to maneuver leadership and education schedule in order to disseminate it across departmental sections (Albrecht , 2001). The support and help in the delivery of monitoring edification incentives call for a well-established learning and development branch. Paludi (2012) claims that indigenous member of staff set-up continues to offer recommendations to every sector in regard to the achievement and unremitting improvements. These ensure that diversity employees are retained. To guarantee that this strategy pushes on well, state directors and universal managers have been put in place to support the workforce to take part in a series of events and assist in the admittance to development opportunities for those who require them. Similarly, the minority campaigners have also been established to reduce the chances of recruiting senior management majorly consisting of the majority members. Lastly, both the state corporate executives and the human resource managers implement recruitment policies within their various offices. Hence, the departments have been recognized with the initiatives so that the employees should seek for access to opportunities and services presented (Paludi, 2012). All these will promote diversity recruitment and retention of employees in their services. In general, a workplace diversity strategy tends to assimilate and execute all the procedures to bring success to the corporation diversity staffing plan and retention of member of staffs in their service stations. Barriers to success Deficiency in understanding the need of having diverse employees within an organization is an important obstacle to the accomplishment of diversity recruitment. Often, organizations see diversity as a reverse discrimination or an affirmative action in their labor force instead of viewing it as a way through which their sales and profits could be increased. In addition, diversity has been perceived as something that cannot work since it has never been applied (Albrecht, 2001). This myth is another barrier to success. The campaign for diversified employee recruitment can also b e undermined by the low educational achievement of the minority groups. Even if the highest levels are normally found in the minority groups, still their numbers are much less as compared to those of other demographic groups. However, recruiters normally experience difficulties in finding the right employees or defining their number to fill the vacant positions. Geography plays an important role in the diverse recruitment process. It becomes a barrier when the needed demographics have migrated to other cities. For instance, most of the cultural groupings reside in the outskirts or some special places in the cities, such as Asians occupy most of the coastal cities. Employing Asians in other places other than the residential places would be difficult Deficiency in well-formulated strategies and goals can also be a great barrier to the organization diversity success. Defining diversity is the first big step towards attaining the diverse workforce. Organizations should be clear stating their purposes and objectives for recruiting diverse employees. Clear goals and objectives will enable the firm to evaluate the effectiveness and success of the process. Conclusion There is no clear definition of diversity in the workforce. The reason is that organizations have different objectives and goals for diversifying their employees. As such, their definition of the workforce also varies. Once the organization has made a decision on why it needs diversity, a program should then be created and the objectives of the program are to communicated to the whole organization. It is important for the organization to understand that diversity is not just a legal requirement as it has a direct impact on the corporation profits. Organizations can apply metrics to track the progress and evaluate the success of their diversity staffing program. References Albrecht, M. H. (2001). International HRM: Managing diversity in the workplace. Boston, Oxford: Blackwell Business. Jackson, S. (1992). Diversity in the workplace: Human resources initiatives. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Kossek, E. E. Lobel, S. A. (1997). Managing diversity: Human resource strategies for transforming the workplace. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Paludi, M. A. (2012). Managing diversity in today’s workplace: Strategies for employees and employers. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. This term paper on The Definition of Diversity in the Workforce was written and submitted by user Amanda Mcgee to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Calvanism and the Religious Wars essays
Calvanism and the Religious Wars essays Title Calvinism and the Religious Wars Place of Publication New York, 1971 Publisher Howard Fertig, Inc. This book is about pretty much the beginning of Calvinism and how it played a major role in the reforming of mid to late fifteenth century Europe. Franklin Charles Palm tries to exam the role in which John Calvin used his love for the sacred scriptures and religion to reform the way he lived, and the rest of the world. Concentrating mostly on Europe at that time period. Palm breaks down the life of Calvin at first, and then as he proceeds through this book he leads up to actual formation of the religion. And ultimately then how this newly formed religion affected or may off even caused some of the religious war. I unfortunately could not find any info on Franklin Charles Palm, though I even had one the librarians look for me to. I feel that Franklin Charles Palm was really not trying to answer any certain question while he was attempting to write this informative novel at all. In fact I think that his true purpose for writing this was to give an accurate account of what role Calvinism played in that time period, because from what I can understand he did not feel that there was enough information readily available. His work in my own opinion is very relevant to the study of history, and he has added another great resource to the reference area for history in any library. I feel that his work does not offer any resonably new information for students to learn, but it may present an easier way of learning for those who are tired of reading the same old reference books. This book does though coincide with most of the notes that we have taken during class periods. This helps out greatly when writing papers and reviews for essays and reports. Palm starts the novel out by explaining the early the early life of John Calvin and explains his life with his family. It talks about his father Gerad Ca...
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Use the French Preposition Dans
How to Use the French Preposition Dans The French preposition dans usually means in, but, depending on the context, it also has other English equivalents, such as from, through, on, during and off. Dans cannot be followed directly by a noun but rather must be followed by an article or some other determiner. It can indicate a physical location, a figurative location and time. Dans is also required after certain French verbs that take an indirect object. Physical Location    dans la boà ®te  in the box   dans la rue  in the street   boire dans une tasse  to drink from a cup   prendre quelque chose dans une boà ®te  to take something from a box   copier quelque chose dans un livre  to copy something from a book   dans lavion  on the plane   mettre quelque chose dans le tiroir  to put something in the drawer   monter dans le train  to get on the train   voir quelquun dans lescalier  to see someone on the stairs Figurative Location    dans la situation actuelle  in the current situation   dans ces conditions in / under these conditions Period of Time    dans la journà ©e during the day   dans la semaine during the week   dans une semaine in one week Verbs with Dans The French preposition dans is required after certain French verbs that take an indirect object. boire qqchose dans (une tasse) to drink something out of (a cup)chercher dans (la boà ®te)  to look in (the box)courir dans (lherbe)  to run through (the grass)coà »ter dans (les dix euros)  to cost about (10 euros)entrer dans (une salle, un bà ¢timent)  to enter (a room, building)fouiller dans (les poches)  to look through (the pockets)lire dans (le journal)  to read in (the paper)manger dans la main qqun  to eat out of ones handmanger dans lassiette  to eat off a platemettre son espoir dans  to pin ones hopes onpartir dans (10 minutes)  to leave in (10 minutes)partir dans (les montagnes)  to leave for (the mountains)pleuvoir dans (la France)  to rain in (France)prendre quelque chose dans (une boà ®te, un tiroir)  to take something from (a box, drawer)regarder dans (la boà ®te, le frigo)  to look in (the box, the fridge)vivre dans (la misà ¨re, la peur)  to live in (poverty, fear)
Saturday, February 15, 2020
The lessons for auditors and regulators from Enron fraud Essay
The lessons for auditors and regulators from Enron fraud - Essay Example This paper concerns the auditing as an investigative process performed to verify the reliability and accuracy of a company’s state of affairs for the last fiscal period. A comprehensive and authentic audit report adds to shareholder values and assists the company’s stakeholders to analyse how the management has responded to their financial interests. In addition, business decisions of third party stakeholders such as banks, other lending institutions, and investors are centred on the company’s annual audit report. It seems that even a well structured audit programme may fail to provide desired outcomes unless the whole audit team pays special attention to each and every phase of the audit process. The past decade witnessed a series of corporate scandals including Lernout & Hauspie, Arthur Anderson, Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat, Peregrine Systems, Rite Aid, and Subsequent investigations have proven that majority of those failures were attributable to a ccounting fraud. However, these incidents greatly increased the significance of audit work and firms nowadays allot more money for developing internal control systems. Many of the economists argue that weaker corporate governance structure also greatly contributed to those corporate failures. As a result, organisations are vehemently trying to improve their corporate governance framework. Evidently, audit firms have made strategic amendments to their processes and procedures to detect frauds and errors in the account books of the client on time. This paper will analyse the lessons that auditors and regulators must learn from Enron Fraud. Enron Scandal: Overview In 1985, The Huston Natural Gas integrated its natural gas pipeline companies with those of InterNorth under the supervision of Kenneth Lay to form Enron. The Enron became the North America’s largest natural gas dealer by 1992 and the company’s gas contracts trading operations significantly contributed to its ma rket dominance. The firm’s stock rose by 311% during the period 1990-1998 and its market capitalisation went over $60 billion by the end of the year 2000. This unimaginable growth assisted the company to be rated as the most innovative huge company in Fortune’s Most Admired Companies survey. Unlike other corporate giants, the Enron had not published its balance sheet along with statement of earnings and this practice persuaded financial analysts to explore the company’s sources of income. Despite the explanations given by the company officials, Enron’ stocks started to fall in 2001 mainly due to its indecipherable nature of business and vague accounting practices. Following the stock level declines, the company faced a series of challenges including restructuring losses, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation, liquidity issues, and credit rating downgrade. The Enron scandal was revealed in October 2001 and it gradually led to bankru ptcy. Reports indicated that Enron scandal was the biggest audit failure at that time. Jeffrey Skilling, the former President, CEO, and COO of the Enron Corporation, misled the company’s stakeholders through special purpose entities, accounting loopholes, and unsupported financial reporting practices and therefore they (stakeholders) were unable to identify debts resulted from failed deals and projects. These deceitful practices assisted the company to exaggerate its profit figures and thereby unfairly retain the trust of its shareholders. Andrew Fastow, the Chief Financial Officer, and other executives misled the Enron’s board of directors and also forced Andersen to neglect the issues. As per reports, the Enron shareholders lost nearly $11 billion when the company’s stock price fell from US$90 per share in mid-2000 to less than $1 in late-2001 (World News Inc, 2012). Following this issue, the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission commenced an investigation to bring out the actual reasons behind this
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Contemporary Middle East History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
Contemporary Middle East History - Essay Example While not completely Western but also combined with Islamic ideals, the Ottoman Empire presented different challenges for the Middle East than the British and French Empires. The Ottomans demonstrated a semi-Islamic influence in the region. This means that while initially embracing some Islamic ideals, the Ottomans later rejected others and according to Islamic perceptions in the Middle East, the Ottomans while at first more favorable than the British and French Empires were eventually seen as un-Islamic (Gelvin 2005; Khatar, 2004). While many in the region may blame so-called imperialists - (whether they be Ottomans, British-French or American) - for the conditions in the region, the failure of nationalist successive governments to take control of their own destiny is an inherent problem in the Middle East and until today needs to be adequately addressed and confronted (Huntington, 1996). As Huntington (1996) notes 'Western style democracy' in the Middle East has served to increase anti-Western political forces. The history of how and why this rage against Western style democracy can be seen in the social, political, technological and economic forces that have been imposed upon the Middle East via successive colonial administrations. The Ottoman Empire under the absolute rule of Sultan Seleyman had the responsibility of guaranteeing complete justice or adala among the governed. This idea has both Islamic and Turco-Persian aspects. Borrowing from Hebraic traditions, the idea of distributive justice is modeled after King Solomon in the Old Testament who according to Islamic political theory was a considered a seminal figure in distributive justice. This idea encapsulates the Western notion of justice hence the Western portion of political rule during the Ottoman Empire that regarding fairness and equity. Additionally and importantly, the Islamic portion of justice was that notion it be inclusive for all including the lowest individuals in the power structure. As stated within the Koran Allah admonishes the followers of Islam to act equitably "you who believe! Be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety , and he careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do" (The Dinner Table, 5.8). In terms of economic and social life the Ottoman Empire attempted to include all members of the Empire no matter how powerless. Although seemingly removed ideologically from the society the Ottoman Sultan followed a set of siyasa laws, which included the severe punishment of government officials if they were believed to have abused their powers. Such abuses included illegally taxing or forcing the labor of peasants, forcibly requiring them to give food to soldiers or forcibly staying in their homes (Khatar, 2004; Gelvin, 2005). The punishment for these crimes usually included the death penalty. In terms of social structure and relations, the Ottoman Empire can be considered one of the first to quantify public opinion and therefore demonstrates how public opinion was considered very important in legitimating the power of the Sultan. If the Sultan did not have favorable public opinion and more negative public opinion cultivated by its adversaries then the Sultan would be sure to fall. In order to cultivate and maintain positive favor among the public in support of the Sultan
Saturday, January 25, 2020
foolear Essay on Shakespeares King Lear - The Fool -- King Lear essa
King Lear and The Fool    In William Shakespeare's, King Lear, the Fool plays three major roles. One of these roles is of an "inner-conscience" of Lear. The Fool provides basic wisdom and reasoning for the King at much needed times. The Fool also works as amusement for Lear in times of sadness and is also one of the only people besides the Duke of Kent and Cordelia who are willing to stand up to the King.  The Fool works as the "inner conscience" of Lear throughout the play. The Fool shows Lear the side of reasoning and tries to persuade Lear that it was wrong to banish Cordelia. The Fool only first appears in Act 1, scene four, after Cordelia has moved away with the King of France. The Fool knows that Lear has done wrong by giving all his land away to his two evil daughters, Goneril and Regan, and tells him so in act one, scene four, when he says, "All thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou wast born with." The Fool also warns Lear about Goneril and Regan stating that Lear is now a lap dog to Goneril and Regan, "Truth's a dog must to kennel; he must be wh...
Friday, January 17, 2020
Herbal Market
MALAYSIA HERBAL MARKET Currently, the value of global herbal market for nutraceuticals is at USD 70 billion and USD 20 billion for phytomedicines with an average growth rate between 15 to 20 percent annually. While the Malaysia herbal market is valued at RM 4. 55 billion 0f which 90 percent of the raw material used was imported. It is with this potential in mind that Malaysia’s herbal industry can be one of the agriculture Entry Point Projects under the National Key Economic Areas in the Economic Transformation Programme.According to the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar, Malaysia's fast growing herbal industry is expected to contribute about RM2. 2 billion to Gross National Product (GNP) by 2020. While the world market for herbal products is expected to exceed RM2 trillion by 2020 from RM777 billion in 2009, the local herbal market was likely to grow 15 percent annually from RM7 billion in 2010 to about RM29 billion by 2020. Moreover, Malaysia h as been listed as the 12th most biodiversity nation in the world and ranks fourth in Asia.We have over 15,000 flowering plants and over 3000 species of medicinal plants in our rich biodiversity tropical rainforest. Of these about 200 are being used as herbal remedies and approximately 50 species are commonly used in traditional medicine preparation. Furthermore, Malaysians quite familiar for the uses of herbal products as our multi-ethnic communities have been practicing traditional medicine with herbal plants for centuries. In rural area, some of them still use poultices, myriad brews and pastes derived from herbal plants or used it for the purpose of physical ailments and beauty treatments.Therefore, upon realize the significance of herb, our government had given financial support to research work related to herbs in term of Intensified Research in Priority Areas (IRPA) grants, the focus areas by the National Biotechnology Directorate, as well as other grant schemes. For example, RM25 million had been allocated by the government for a local company to conduct clinical research on Tongkat Ali in order to securing approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).Our government also support the effort that try to make halal pharmaceutical products being proved by the Halal standard for the pharmaceutical industry in order to protect the interests of Muslim consumers and all consumers in general the world over. Not only these, certain implementations also have been taken in view of turning Malaysia into a global herbal producer. World Health Organization (WHO) consistently reported that 80% of the world’s population depends on herbal medicine. There also a growing trend of people moving from synthetic allopathic drugs to herbal cures.This is because consumers realize the importance of health versus diseases, the changes in lifestyle, the growing of synthetic medical cost, and the growing knowledge of consumers about traditional medicines. Many co nsumers have known that the effective of herbal cures are the results of thousands years of herbal healing framework development through practise and error, observation, analysis and study. Moreover, there have been some high profile natural based cures such as Taxol plant for breast cancer and the Bintangor plant for AIDS.In order to achieve the goal stated in the previous paragraph, the highest standard of manufacturing should be included to be able to compete in terms of quality, safety, efficacy, pricing, and branding of products, as well as efficient distribution network and meeting international health certification standards. We also need to increase the domestic consumption by strengthen the domestic demand for Malaysian health foods and medicine besides reduce reliance on imported medicine, according to the speech by TAN SRI NOR MOHAMED YAKCOP.The ministry of health also has been diligently monitoring the herbal products in the market as well as conducted random sampling of herbal products to ensure that the standards of these products remain the same as the specified standards registered by the manufacturers. Notable markets for Malaysians herbal producer are USA, Europe, China, Japan and the Middle-east countries. This is important to ensure that our herbal product to penetrate the global export market.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Robert E Lee A True American Hero Essay - 1638 Words
â€Å"A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others.†This quote was made in 1871 by one of the greatest generals and probably men in American History; Robert Edward Lee. Robert Edward Lee was a general in the American Civil War. He led his men and stood with them in each and every they were in and got many of them out safely. Robert E. Lee was born on January 19, 1807 at Stratford in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was the youngest son of Major-General Henry â€Å"Light Horse Harry†Lee and his second wife, Ann Hill (Carter) Lee. His siblings from his father’s first wife are Philip Ludwell Lee, Lucy Grymes Lee, Henry Lee, and Nathaniel Greene Lee. His siblings from his fathers second wife are Algernon Sidney†¦show more content†¦Following his duty at Baltimore Harbor he became superintendent of the Military Academy in 1852. Lee then accepted the Lieutenant Colonelcy of the 2nd Calvary in order to escape from the painfu lly slow promotion of in the engineers. He served with his regiment until his Father-in-law passed in 1857, after that he asked for series of leaves to settle the estate. In 1861 the American Civil War started. The country was divided into the North (Union) and The South (Confederates). Robert E. Lee was the leading general for the South. Ulysses S. Grant was the leading General for the North. The Union had 23 states which were California,Michigan,Connecticut,Minnesota,Illinois,New Hampshire,Indiana,New Jersey,Iowa,New York,Kansas,Ohio,Maine,Oregon,Massachusetts,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,VErmont,West Virginia and Wisconsin. The South on the other hand only had 11 which were Alabama,Arkansas,Florida,Georgia,Louisiana,Mississippi,North and South Carolina,Tennessee,Texas and Virginia. The North and many ways had a great advantage in the war because they had more men, more factories to build supplies, and a larger navy. On the other hand the South only had to defend their land from th e Invading Union. Robert E. Lee served as the commanding general for the Battles of Anteitem,Fredericksburg,Chancellellorsville,Gettysburg and Appomattox Court House. The first shots fired in the Battle of Antietam were fired by Artillery on September 16 1862. After the Surrender ofShow MoreRelatedRobert E. Lee Essay1418 Words  | 6 PagesRobert E. Lee Throughout history, there have been people whose names and faces have become synonymous with the time periods in which they lived. For example, Julius Caesar is synonymous with the late Roman Republic and George Washington is synonymous with the American Revolution. Just like these two men, the name Robert E. Lee has become synonymous with the American Civil War. 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